Discussion: the basic principles of the doctrine of SP of Pavlov about higher nervous activity

For psychology the basic principles which are the cornerstone of I.P. Pavlov's doctrine about higher nervous activity have paramount value. Principles this following.
byHowever in a cerebral cortex carries out not only the analysis, but also synthesis of external irritations. Conditioned reflexes are equally based both on the analysis, and on synthesis. Formation of a conditioned reflex "first of all is the act of synthesis".
Principle of the analysis and synthesis. Organism adaptation to the environment is possible only as a result of exact decomposition and allocation by nervous system of an animal of the difficult irritations influencing it. I.P. Pavlov showed that "complication of communication of an animal organism with the world around, more and more various and more exact adaptation to external circumstances, more perfect equilibration of organisms of the external environment goes in parallel and indissolubly with this all the progressing analizatorna activity of nervous system". At the heart of feelings and perceptions difficult and specific activity of analyzers lies, thus.
Principle of determinism, or causal conditionality, higher nervous activity. I.P. Pavlov considered an animal organism not as closed in itself and in himself finding all necessary for its activity, and in unity from surrounding this organism Wednesday. This Wednesday - a necessary condition of existence of an organism: it naturally defines all activity of an organism in all its complexity and variety. Activity of an organism is strictly natural. This regularity is caused by very exact adaptation of an organism to the outside world. Without such adaptation the animal would cease to exist.
I.P. Pavlov showed that the mechanism of such adaptation are reflexes. It extended the principle of reflex activity to the highest forms of adaptation of an organism to the external environment including on higher nervous activity. Its doctrine about conditioned reflexes proved that everything including the highest, forms of mental activity are not spontaneous (arising and existing in itself, irrespective of other phenomena), and prichinno caused, represent no other than the most difficult conditioned reflexes.
Application of the doctrine of I.P. Pavlov to studying of the mental phenomena shows that so-called any actions of the person have the uslovnoreflektorny nature that the mechanism of conditioned reflexes is the cornerstone of such mental processes as memory and attention, as the highest form of human mentality - thinking - represents difficult chains of conditioned reflexes which are formed in the second alarm system.
Principle of systemacity. I.P. Pavlov considered bark of big cerebral hemispheres not only as the most difficult "mosaic" consisting of the uncountable mass of separate nervous points with various physiological role, ^до and as a certain system in which processes of association of activity of these various points are constantly made. Thanks to systemacity in bark activity the animal organism represents not the mechanical sum of numerous analizatorny devices, and the whole structure. Any new local impact of the external environment on this system makes itself felt in all system and causes not local, but the general reaction of all organism in the huge majority of cases.
I.P. Pavlov imagined a cerebral cortex as the most difficult analyser system helping to decompose external impacts on the thinnest elements without what the differentiated organism adaptation by Wednesday would be impossible.
I.P. Pavlov's doctrine about laws of higher nervous activity is dialectic in the essence. I.P. Pavlov understood the processes which are made in a brain in their development, formation, interrelations, in their internal discrepancy. It opened these processes as made always on the basis of conflict of opposites. Processes of excitement in a cerebral cortex always develop at the same time and in connection with braking processes opposite to them. Processes of excitement and braking constantly pass one into another. The analyzing bark activity is always connected with synthesizing, one is impossible without another. Irradiation of nervous processes in a cerebral cortex is followed by processes of concentration of nervous excitement or braking, etc.
I.P. Pavlov showed also the mechanism of implementation of this systemacity in bark of big cerebral hemispheres in the form of formation of more or less difficult dynamic stereotypes of nervous activity.
The uslovnoreflektorny temporary communications formed during animal life thanks to systemacity are not separated, and always connected in this or that degree with all other reflexes.
I.P. Pavlov's doctrine about conditionality of processes of higher nervous activity by structure of a brain puts the end to attempts to tear off mentality from a brain, to consider it as some "imperceptible force" soaring over nervous system capable to be shown in organisms irrespective of features of the structure of their nervous system.
The principle of degree of structure sets for psychology a task when studying mental processes to correlate them to features of the structure of a brain and to the processes of higher nervous activity caused by this building.
"If the animal instead of going to food, was discharged of it instead of running from fire, rushed in fire, etc., etc., it would be anyway destroyed. It so has to react to the outside world that its all reciprocal activity provided its existence" (I.P. Pavlov).
I.P. Pavlov's doctrine about the analyzing and synthesizing activity of bark of big cerebral hemispheres is a basis for the correct materialistic understanding of mechanisms of different types of cerebration of the person.
Principle of degree of structure. I.P. Pavlov showed that higher nervous activity is to some extent caused by structure of a brain. Processes of higher nervous activity in bark of big cerebral hemispheres not only depend on their characteristic features of external irritations, but also are caused by the structure of a brain. According to I.P. Pavlov, the brain works by the principle of structure, "i.e. arrangements of actions of force in space, dynamics priurocheniye to structure".
Source: http://photo-rai.ru