New on the website: visa to a trip to Guyana

This state with very rich fauna, its territory is cut up by tapes of the rivers and decorated a set of lakes. Its coast are washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Travelers love Guyana as it is original and unpredictable.
In Guyana rather reasonable prices for life. For example, if you want to have dinner densely at restaurant of the average level, the order will cost you approximately 15 dollars. The liter of milk costs about $2, it is necessary to pay slightly more than $3, loaf of white loaf for 400 for kilogram of chicken brisket gr. will cost about 1,5 dollars. The average salary after all deductions is about $200.
It is the best of all to begin search in the foreign companies, in particular the Russian. The fact that Russia is interested in development of relations between the states offers good prospects for Russians. Opening of business will interest many in the Republic as the state conducts the policy directed to attracting investors and also experts of various spheres.
Rest in Guyana can become series of surprising adventures, an unforgettable and bright event of life. The country is in a zone of subequatorial climate.
If you not the traveler and not the geographer, hardly to you were necessary to hear much about the amazing country of Guyana. You did not look for its Embassy, were not interested in whether the visa to Guyana is necessary to the one who is going to visit her.
Shake a look and Guyanese beaches not less. It is not enough of them. They are to the northwest of Demerara's mouth. The main water resorts of the country are located on the rivers. Rest in Guyana is mostly campaigns far inland, visit of the amazing rivers and falls. Also you can go to a cruise on the rivers or participate in rafting. The choice of active entertainments will please you. As a rule, from a travel across Guyana Russians come back looked younger and lost weight.
Nevertheless, this country exists and is of great interest to many Russians both in respect of rest, and in respect of work. There are among our compatriots people who decided to remain in it forever.
Perhaps, for you it will become one more surprise, but to have a rest or earn in Guyana, the visa is not necessary. Not so long ago visa regime between the Russian Federation and the Co-operative Republic of Guyana was cancelled. Earlier, our citizens needed to make out the visa only if they went to the exotic country for the term of more than ninety days. Now and it is not necessary. You just come to the Latin American state and enjoy its beauty.
Guyana is capable to surprise and please Russians. Especially those who love mountains will be delighted. This is not about ski resorts at all. Guyanese mountains are covered with the woods and represent unimaginably fine landscapes with the richest animal and flora. Animals of wild territories are not afraid of people at all. If you want to see the primitive nature which is not spoiled yet by the person, to inhale lungs fresh salutary air, you should visit the Republic.
The country is far from air routes on which planes from Russia fly. It is possible to get to its airport only with change. As a rule, the travelers going to a travel from Moscow carry out a stop in the Canadian Toronto. From there it is the most convenient to fly to Georgetown city airport, the capitals of Guyana. With change it is necessary to spend for flight about a day. The ticket price from Moscow 85 000 of rubles.
If were going to look for the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on the world map, glance to South America. The small state is in the northeast of the continent.
I want to live there.
The decision to introduce a visa-free regime for Russians, was accepted for expansion of the economic and cultural relations with the Cooperative Republic. Today in its territory many Russian enterprises function. For ordinary citizens the innovation became the real gift as earlier for visa processing it was necessary to go abroad as in our country there are no Guyanese representations.
It is not a lot of information on what is represented by work in Guyana. However it does not mean that our citizens do not find a job in the Cooperative Republic. Just the opposite, it is possible to find many statements of Russians who for a long time located in the exotic state in forums and do not plan to return home in the near future.
If to speak about the standard of living, then Guyana is not included into the list of the enviable countries, but if to address its nature, beauty of the cities, simplicity and goodwill of locals, then it is possible to find what many aspire to. It is peace of mind and life in the most beautiful place reminding that primitive paradise from which our primogenitors were once expelled.
If you visited Guyana once and fell in love with it, be sure, you will manage to find a job in it.
It is not difficult to find Guyana on the world map. Recently it even more often mention in the Russian media. The country is comfortable that its state language is English.
Sights of Guyana & #8212; it is set of the natural and created by hands of the person remarkable places. It is enough to visit one of its numerous falls to understand that the nature of the state is unusual, as well as its name, both the friendly smiling people, and the constructions not too habitual to an eye of Russians.