Kot sat down on a hedgehog ridiculous reaction of a cat will force you to burst with laughter, secrets

Some people who love something unusual get non-standard pets. So unusual that you wonder. Only look who lodged in this house.
Surely watch this ridiculous video and share it with friends!
Under the same roof the remarkable hedgehog and a fluffy cat get on. Probably, owners not especially worried as these animals will communicate. Owing to the sharp prickles, the hedgehog can cause aggression in a cat.
As ridiculously to watch it, precisely it to be pleasant to you and you will laugh! It would be desirable to observe their relations in real life. Probably, owners hardly restrained not to burst with laughter.
But it on the contrary attracts interest of this cat. The cat likes to make advances to a hedgehog and to study his needles. Up to the end to calm down the interest, the cat made the decision to sit down on a hedgehog! He obviously regretted about it Е The fluffy instantly jumped up and jumped aside where far away. But will know now that with a hedgehog of a joke are bad.
Source: http://photo-rai.ru