Is updated: the Russian student shocked the British with the Mercedes

Published: 11.1.2017
the Russian student shocked the British with the Mercedes

- I wanted that I had something unique, wanted something special, - with inspiration told Radionov to journalists, - People who made it, arrived from Russia and worked on my car for 12 hours a day within two months. I am really happy, and I already anticipate as I will ride it. Where I appeared, people stop everywhere and consider my car. I always am the focus of attention - both pedestrians, and drivers. Sometimes it seems to me that I can become a cause of accident. Probably, having understood that about accident she said too much, Darya finished a speech on a penetrating note: - When I sell the car, I will give all money for charity!

21-year-old Darya Radionova wrote out handymen who pasted over two months its car with one million crystals from Russia. London became the second house for nouveau riches of all planet and their careless offsprings long ago. It seemed, to shock the prudish British there is nothing. They saw enough of the successors of the Russian oligarchs squandering petrodollars of children of the Arab sheikhs who are spending money like water and burning family states krovinochek the Indian millionaires much. But is not present - to 21-year-old Darya Rodionova, several years living in London and mastering here business elements in elite educational institution, it was succeeded to become a local sensation and to get on pages of today's English editions. "The Russian student surpassed the Arab playboys with their cars", - the British edition is surprised. Also is why: the girl inlaid "Mercedes" with one million Swarovski crystals!


As the student admitted, she paid 20 thousand British pounds (about 32 thousand dollars) for tuning. On a back seat of the car Darya always carries now a bag of spare rhinestones - in case some of crystals will come unstuck.

"Mercedes CLS 350" is the car expensive in itself: in Great Britain it costs 25 thousand pounds (about 40 thousand dollars). But Darya decided to improve the model of 2011, having inlaid it with Swarovski crystals. Today the Russian student presented precious tuning, with chic and gloss having swept on streets of the British capital. The girl parked near Harrods department store, having instantly gathered crowd of gapers around the sparkling car. Dickens and Byron's descendants - the shocked, Russian student - in ecstasy. Darya with pleasure distributed an interview and allowed everyone to be photographed against the background of the car. According to the girl, she wrote out handymen who pasted over her car with one million crystals from Russia.


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