Is curious: options of active holiday

Not so much to drive how many cheerfully it is possible to spend time in the Yakhroma park. Beginners develop the route "Paddling pool" here. Others, simply come to take a look, can accommodate conveniently on the observation deck. At Yakhroma the sports school works. Attractive to children the park does an attraction "A crazy toboggan". Adults here, besides skis, are attracted by unsportsmanlike entertainments: a sit-round gathering in a grill lodge "Troll" and a bath.
Where to go to have a rest all family? Among residents of megalopolises green tourism enjoys special popularity. Having taken advantage of the offer of any Moscow region boarding house or holiday house, it is possible to spend with advantage time in a circle of close people. Leisure such will be suitable also for corporate actions, a romantic weekend for two. Similar "sorties" on a bosom of the nature give the chance for a while to plunge into the atmosphere of rural life, to live among the wood on the river bank or lakes.
It is possible to get to the interesting places and independently by the car, having got out, for example, to New Year's or May holidays.
In the east of Moscow area, near the border with the Vladimir region, there is a Cherustinsky wood.
Within a zone, free for visit, there are 90 settlements where it is possible to arrive to stop on a lodging for the night.
From the moment of the eminence of Moscow the lands surrounding it were in the thick of historical events. In the area many unique cities with ancient architecture and usadb in which the famous people lived remained. In any of these corners bus excursion tours for one day are organized.
In 2 km from the village of Ilyinskoye the resort of "Sorochany" is located. To go ride local routes can both beginners, and the pro. In the resort chair lifts function, the most modern and large hire of equipment works. There is an educational route, it is a lot of instructors. It is possible to ski not only, but also snowmobiles, "cheesecakes", horses. Fleet from which territory it is possible to rise into the sky in the balloon or the plane works with a row. It is the share of 1 resort four difficult, so-called black, routes at once.
High concentration of tourists speaks local resorts not only a landscape, but also modern infrastructure, suitable for driving. Almost half a century near the mountain Yakhroma the school of the Olympic reserve works.
The mad rhythm of life in the megalopolis leaves a mark on health. Having been tired of noise of "a big ant hill", many Muscovites dream to appear in other, quieter and lonely situation. However to escape from whirl and it is possible to go to a long travel not always - stir household cares, a busy operating schedule, constraint in finance. The trip for the weekend to Moscow area can become an exit from the situation.
Where to go to Moscow area to judges of the nature? To escape from the stone jungle, it is not obligatory to leave far from the center. At once behind the Garden Ring the national park Losiny Ostrov - a taiga corner of 116 begins. In imperial times there were hunting grounds here. Now it is a reserved zone within which wild boars, deer, elks, foxes and hares freely walk. Some sites of Losiny Ostrov have the status of especially protected area. All other lands are available to free visit. The vacationer on Losiny Ostrov can carefree spend 1 day in close contact with the nature. In the territory of the park conduct walking and horse tours, the ecological and educational center "Russian Life", a moose biological research station works.
Though in local places and it is silent, but is not boring at all. In warm season it is possible to organize picnics and competitions in the fresh air, to make boat trips by the boat, to drive on off road terrain on the ATV. In the summer at lakes and the rivers stop to be bought and sunbathe. For New Year's holidays to have a rest to Moscow area there come fans of the real winter - frosty and snow. The special pleasure during cold weather to take a steam bath in a hot Russian bath!
One more place where judges of art should visit, - Serednikovo. The estate is in 1,5 hours' journey in the northwest party from Moscow. The popularity gives to a picturesque corner not only a refined architectural complex in style of the Russian classicism, but also communication with Mikhail Lermontov. In youth the poet came here to stay for a while together with the grandmother. Later, in the 60th years of the 19th century, to Serednikovo there went the childhood of one more famous figure - the reformer Pyotr Stolypin.
Good ski resorts are located in Dmitrovsky district which in the people it is accepted to call "Switzerland situated near Moscow".
And in the capital, and in Moscow area the mass of orthodox shrines, but, perhaps, is of the greatest interest Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in Talezhe to believers. The small village stands on the Smorodinke River, is located near the town Chekhov. In Talezh come to enjoy holy water from the Venitsa Spring, to plunge into a salutary font. Running from palace vanity, Catherine II retired to this settlement. Later these possession belonged to the count Vladimir Orlov. The inspiration from Talezhe was derived by the writer Anton Chekhov.
Where to go for the weekend to Moscow area? Glance to the memorial estate "Arkhangelsk". This near Moscow area to reach here quickly. The sightseeing tour lasts hour here, but in the summer, in good weather, in so wonderful place it is possible to spend the whole day. Arkhangelsk - a magnificent palace and park complex of 18-19 centuries. In the Big palace antique sculptures, rare books, pictures of the Western European artists, the Yusupov porcelain are exhibited.
How to reach the park? On the car it is necessary to go on Leningradskoye Highway, and near the village of Mokshino or Spas-Zaulok to turn on the left. The second option - to reach by electric train to Zavidovo or Bilberry, and further to travel or on foot, or by bicycle.
One of possible routes - from Moscow through Zvenigorod, Volokolamsk, Klin, Dmitrov to Sergiyev Posad. From there it is possible to go to Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Kolomna, Serpukhov, to Verey, and then to return back - to the capital.
In 160 km to the northwest of Moscow there is a Zavidovsky reserve. It is located on lands of two areas - Moscow and Tver. The clean exciting air, fairy forests, scenic views of numerous lakes and the rivers - all this forces to fall in love with local places at first sight. The national park is known for rich fauna. In the territory of Zavidovo live:
Where to go to take a walk to Moscow area in festive and the days off? According to TripAdvisor, enter top ten holiday houses, boarding houses and hotels of Moscow area:
Heart of a reserved zone is the Tugolessky pine forest. In May come to admire a carpet of lilies of the valley here, in the fall - to collect a cranberry on riding swamps, mushrooms. The Cherustinsky wood is remembered and the gray cranes living here it is universal.
In the territory of the wildlife area marsh and forest ecosystems of Meshchora are concentrated.
Winter of inveterate skiers interests a question where to go actively to have a rest to Moscow area. In the territory of the capital and the Moscow region there are two tens ski resorts accepting half a million vacationers. To these routes it is far to Alpine, but they quite will be suitable for the beginning skiers and fans.