Ideal alarm clock, amusing

For the correct work of hours it is necessary to determine falling asleep time, the alarm clock and so-called "window" during which you allow hours to give a signal & #8212; to call or vibrate. So, for example, you put the alarm clock at 7:00 and set a window lasting 30 minutes. It means that the alarm clock will ring out from 6:30 till 7:00 in time, optimum for you.
The watch has come to a standstill:
It should be noted that the Time magazine recognized these hours as the most surprising invention of 2005.
Lately it is frequent to me to have to get up rather early, and my companion Artem Rosnovsky recommended to me hours which define optimum time of rise and, thereby, help to rise in the "correct" time. I was skeptical about his words enough, but, nevertheless, decided to try. I contacted the distributor of hours in Russia, and the representative of the company kindly provided me hours of the Sleep Tracker Pro model for testing.
As a shortcoming it is possible to note that the watch case is enough massiven, and I would not begin to carry them during the day.
Exactly at the same price they are on sale in the States that is quite strange. Usually, at us is more and more expensive.
The model tested by me can collect information on sleep quality and transfer her to the special software which is attached by o'clock. Because of a lack of time I did not test work of this program.
It is possible to get hours here
Sweet dreams and awakenings!
In the instruction it is told that lasting dream less than 8 hours also alcohol consumption the alarm clock can incorrectly work. I can tell that neither in that, nor in other case, they did not bring me.
Considering that hours of Sleep Tracker optimum select rise time, one may say, that they save to you of 30 minutes till 1 o'clock daily. In my opinion, this excellent and very useful invention especially relevant presently for strongly busy persons.
We will begin with the main thing - hours really awake you in optimum time i.e. when it is simplest to you to waken from a dream. The fact that in the course of a dream alternate a REM and slow sleep is the cornerstone of their work. During the period of a REM sleep there is a restoration of an organism and Е we have dreams. Awakening in this cycle is usually very painful. You as though extend yourself from a dream and, as a result, get up in the broken state.