How to go to Israel for work from Ukraine 2019, is updated

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine ratified the Ukrainian-Israeli agreement on a possibility of temporary employment of Ukrainians in some sectors of economy of Israel (it was talked of builders). The contract provided creation of the non-profit agency on hiring, computer selection of applicants, official employment with social guarantees, an insurance and a decent salary. However process of discussion of details is not completed yet, introduction of the agreement to action dragged on, and work in Israel in 2019 is still available to Ukrainians on the former bases.
in the presence of the agreement with the employer and intermediary firm can address for free consultation in the Center of consultation of migrants or All-Ukrainian labor union of workers-migrants. It will help to avoid different unforeseen situations.
The prices vary from 300-800 to 3300 US dollars. Payment can be segmented (from future salary). In this case the agency will "sponsor" the client, watching that salary was paid in time. These agencies do not offer any legal employment by the visa of B1.
For builders-general workers experience is not required.
At the moment on the website of Public service of employment of Ukraine there is no concrete information on documents acceptance and an order of carrying out selection for work to Israel for Ukrainians in 2019 without prepayment yet. Therefore only option & #8211; this appeal to private firm which is engaged in employment with the subsequent payment for the provided services from one thousand to 7 thousand hryvnias and above.
Construction workers, seasonal agricultural workers, experts of services industry, nurses, workers of hotel business are most demanded in Israel today.
Thousands of personals and offers are posted on these websites. However there is a danger to face here swindlers (what administrators of the websites warn users about).
In job search the Russian-speaking websites of Israel will be useful to Ukrainians. First of all it:
It is possible to prolong the visa to employment in the company in which for work permission was got. If the worker continues to work in the same sphere, but wants to replace the place of work, he has to address together with the new employer to the Ministry of Internal Affairs behind the new document.
How to find work in Israel to the Ukrainian, is written much. It should be noted at once that this difficult task. And how there was a search & #8211; independently or through the recruiting agencies & #8211; it is necessary to be ready to the fact that it is necessary to work not on the specialty, at low-prestigious hard work with lower wage. On the other hand, the legal status and the contract with the employer provide an insurance, social and legal protection, give new opportunities.
The work permit in Israel for Ukrainians gives the Ministry of the industry, trade and work. The employer officially sponsors for the worker and submits the copy of the employment contract and the statement for permission of its legal work. The statement has to contain detailed data about:
The big percent of Russian-speaking inhabitants lives in the largest port of the country & #8211; Ashdod (a quarter from 215 thousand population). Here too great demand for working and construction specialties. The big Russian-speaking diaspora is available also in such cities as Netanya, Bath Holes, Rishon, Beer Sheva, Holon. Here it is simpler to find work on social programs, in construction and in the service sector.
Without knowledge of Hebrew employment in Israel for Ukrainians without intermediaries will be almost impossible if only this is not about the famous athlete, the famous chef or the young scientific genius showing promises.
For official employment any foreigner needs to receive or a special working visa of B1, or to become the participant of one of social or repatriation programs (and to receive the visa of A5).
Employment according to the program does not demand knowledge of Hebrew. The employment contract is signed for a year with the right of prolongation to 8 years.
Work in Israel as the driver for Ukrainians does not belong to highly paid, but demand for drivers of trucks and cars is constant.
Work in the country of high standards and modern technologies opens great opportunities for Ukrainians:
Besides, all conditions of legal employment extend to it:
The Jewish origin or presence of Jewish relatives in many respects simplifies life that who wishes to work in Israel. They fall under various programs for repatriation, it is simpler to them to find a job, receive the residence permit and so forth. Other categories of our fellow citizens should solve quite difficult, officially a tangled task, namely: how to get for work to Israel to the Ukrainian.
The right to work in Israel is granted by a working visa of B1. Term of its action & #8211; one year (extension up to 5 years is possible). It is given by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Israel. First of all representatives of professions, scarce for national economy can apply for it (The ministry of the industry, work and trade periodically publishes their lists). Today builders, programmers, nurses, etc. treat them. Legal work in Israel will become officially available to Ukrainians if they manage to prove the need for economy of Israel.
The only opportunity to increase earnings & #8211; to work overtime. Processings and work on the weekend in Israel are paid 1,5 times above.
Great opportunities exist for employment in Tel Aviv & #8211; the largest railway junction of the country. Work in Tel Aviv for Ukrainians is often offered in numerous hospitals, hospitals, the medical centers and in IT industry.
Most often the only possible option to find work independently & #8211; it to contact the agency "Dry" and to find to itself the suitable program for employment.
It is possible to find a job also by the visa of the repatriate (Aliya). However its receiving is connected with the proof of the Jewish nationality (it is necessary to provide birth certificates, about marriage registration, about presence of Jewish relatives, references from a synagogue, etc.).
Receipts on payment of consular fees are not necessary & #8211; at registration of a working visa on permission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs they are not raised.
In Israel there are special social programs for employment of foreigners. Participation in such programs not free & #8211; it is necessary to pay up to 1 thousand US dollars. As a rule, give preference to applicants:
At the industrial enterprises technicians, mechanics, mechanics, trubomontazhnik, crane operators are required (men from 28 to 55 years with experience).
From those who work in this direction already now it is necessary to call:
Only experts of the IT sector, programmers, programmers who have an opportunity to get a job in the international companies in the territory of Israel can apply for more qualified work without knowledge of Hebrew (but English surely).
If you know English, it is possible to look for vacancies and on the popular English-speaking Israeli websites on employment:
In case of approval of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of work in Israel on a working visa it sends permission to issue of visa to Kiev. The applicant has to come to Embassy of Israel, submit in return all necessary documents and receive the visa of B1.
The most "Russian-speaking" city & #8211; it is Haifa. Work in Haifa is attractive to Ukrainians that this city & #8211; the industrial capital of Israel, large port, and here are always required working hands: builders of different specialties, port workers, seamen. Besides, most of Russian-speaking residents of this Israeli city are from Ukraine.
All official papers which were issued after 1989 or repeatedly, are certified by the press an apostille.
One of the best offers for women of 40 years is work as the nurse or nurse in the rehabilitation centers, hospices, hospitals and also in families (such work in Israel for Ukrainians, with accommodation in the employer's house, will be more favorable as will allow to save on housing). To occupy such vacancy, the diploma about secondary medical education and the international certificate on the termination of special courses can be required.
These programs assume work on patient care, old men, to baby sitting, the help with the house, etc. The employer has to provide the worker with food and a shelter (often the worker lives in one house with it).
Term in 30 days is provided to the applicant for receipt of a visa and departure from Ukraine. Usually in the presence of all necessary documents visa processing happens within one working day.
Public service of employment will have to employ Ukrainians. Work in Israel through jobcenter of Ukraine for those who will file documents will be selected and there will take place selection for receipt of a visa of B1. It is declared that similar selection will be made free of charge in all regional jobcenters.
For implementation of such activity the firm has to obtain the special license in the Ministry of social policy of Ukraine. Such firms there is a little (less than ten) today, and not all of them undertake to employ Ukrainians on working specialties. Most the similar companies expects the beginning of operation of the interstate agreement.
Recently attempts to earn from Ukrainians who wished to leave for work to Israel became frequent. Therefore before trusting in this or that agency, it is necessary to inquire about it. First, to check existence of the license on the website Minsotspolitiki. In the same place the address, phones, a field of activity and other data are specified. In need of the agency have to provide information on what firms of Israel employing Ukrainians for work, signed with it contracts on cooperation.
In case of need the embassy reserves the right to request additional papers.
Besides construction of new systems in the country repair construction works therefore work of the painter, plasterer, plumber and also work as the tiler in Israel is among demanded are actively carried out.
Qualified specialists in welding works are always requested. Welders are required on a car - and the ship-repair enterprises, in mechanical engineering, the agrarian sector. As practice shows, it is one of the highest paid specialties. Vacancies of welders in Israel are the most suitable for Ukrainians as employers provide to the workers a full social package, provide delivery to work, food and accommodation, and in case of impossibility of it in addition pay extra to them for accommodation and food.
Seasonal work in Israel for Ukrainians is often offered. Generally it is about a side job for those who already have a working visa, or just about a side job (illegal). You need to find such employer who has the license for the right to invite to work of foreigners. It is possible to try to contact directly the Israeli companies regarding employment (the list of 100 major companies is on the website and to file the documents independently. At the same time employers in Israel for Ukrainians will become available only in case applicants are able to declare themselves somehow. For this purpose it is necessary to be able to make correctly the summary and to know English.
Most the agencies which work according to old licenses (,, etc.) offer opening of visas of A5 through the immigration lawyer. In this case reliable "legend" of the purpose of arrival to Israel which will need to be stated when crossing border to frontier guards is thought out.
At the appeal to embassy (Kiev, Boulevard Lesya Ukrainka, 34) it is necessary to consider that though reception is conducted Monday through Thursday, time of the request for visas & #8211; from 8:00 till 10:00. Therefore to get on reception, it is necessary to register from 10:00 till 12:00 for a certain time by phone number +380-586-15-00.
In case of the positive decision the mentioned ministry will submit the recommendation for delivery of a working visa in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Only after it the employer can submit the application for opening of a working visa for the future employee (with a guarantee of his providing with the medical insurance for the period of stay in the country).
There are a few options how to get a job in Israel to the Ukrainian legally. They come down to receiving a working visa of B1 or participation in one of state programs on employment of foreigners. All other attempts of employment (through entrance on a tourist visa or under the pretext of treatment, receipts of a visa of A5 (without being either a Jew, or the member of their families), etc.) will be considered by the authorities as illegal. Deportation from the country and the ban on entry into Israel in the future will become a payment for it.
All who are going to work in this country, the question of on what salaries in Israel for Ukrainians it is possible to count interests. In 2017 the real average salary of locals (after payment of all taxes) was $1440-1916. Since 2017 the minimum compensation in an hour makes 26,88 shekels or $7,34, and the minimum wage gross & #8211; 5000 shekels or $1365.
But there is nothing impossible - in Israel great demand for working hands. It is easier to find work where there is no competition from Israelis - for example, in services sector, construction, the industries. Besides, there is always a need for the qualified IT specialists, electronics engineers, experts for the sphere of high technologies.
Israel & #8211; the small state, is not present megalopolises here. Even in the largest city - Jerusalem & #8211; the population falls short of one million. Second largest city & #8211; Tel-Aviv-Yaffo & #8211; totals twice less inhabitants: it is slightly more than 400 thousand. The third & #8211; Haifa - lives in it 272 thousand inhabitants. Considering the small sizes of the state, many citizens live in small towns and settlements, and work in big cities.
Software arrival to Israel it is necessary to activate the visa for 1 year in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Also constantly there are vacancies in resort and hotel business. Work in hotels of Israel for Ukrainians is offered as a vacancy of maids, waiters, dishwashers, cooks, etc.
Opening of a working visa demands some efforts as from the employer, and the applicant. The Israeli company has to submit necessary documents for receiving a working visa in the Ministry of Internal Affairs where the applicant for a working vacancy will check regarding presence at it of earlier received similar visas, deportation from the country or violations of a visa regime. At the same time it is necessary to consider that not all Israeli companies have permission to reception of foreigners to work. Such licenses are granted by the Ministry of the industry, work and trade.
Traditionally seasonal workers to the agrarian sector for collecting and processing of a harvest are required. At the same time specialists landowner are not in great demand (because of different climatic conditions, use of other technologies and other features).
Work in Israel for Ukrainians as the electrician also has good prospects & #8211; on condition of confirmation of the diploma and the termination of three - or a five-months language course on Hebrew it is possible to count on salary above average.
Employment through the special agencies offers more prospects for Ukrainians, and this way is more widespread. Special labor offices will find the employer and will help to process all documents. It becomes especially relevant in the light of recent arrangements of Israel and Ukraine on granting a quota in 20 thousand working visas for the Ukrainian builders.
Algorithm of actions following:
Work in Israel for Ukrainians on building is most often offered. In the country construction (in 2017 the Knesset approved construction more than 3000 objects only in Samaria) is actively conducted. Involvement of builders from Ukraine, besides the Romanian and Chinese experts, demonstrates intention to replace the Palestinians prevailing earlier in this sector.
Work of foreigners is paid as well as Israelis. However unqualified work is very cheap & #8211; as a rule, around 5-6 thousand shekels (1390-1670 US dollars) though it cannot be paid below the minimum wage.
There is demand and for unqualified female labor: shop assistants, cleaners, housemaids, workers at gas stations and car washes, etc.
It is favorable to work in Israel under the contract for Ukrainians.
Men aged from 25 up to 45 years, with experience, in good physical shape can apply for construction vacancies. Work as the bricklayer in Israel for Ukrainians & #8211; one of demanded and well paid. Great demand also for workers for carrying out road repair work. Knowledge of Hebrew for them is not obligatory, but knowledge of English will be considered as advantage.
Answering a question of where it is easier to find work in Israel, it is necessary to consider two factors. First, as well as everywhere in the world, in the large Israeli cities there are more working vacancies, salaries, but much are higher than high price (especially on housing). Secondly, search of free vacancies and work in Israel in 2019 for Ukrainians without knowledge of language will be more successful where a large number of the Russian-speaking population lives. At the same time a lot of things depend on your profession.
It is possible to get acquainted with similar programs on the website of Embassy of Israel in more detail and also in regional representative offices of the Jewish agency & #8220; —охнут”.
Since 2011 citizens of Ukraine have the right of visa-free entry into Israel for treatment, for the purpose of tourism or development of business and can stay time here in half a year within no more than 90 days. Work and in general any work for Ukrainians in Israel in this case is banned.
Legal work in construction or the nurse can bring gross salary in $2000-2500.
Search of vacancies is also possible on the websites of the Israeli companies and firms (, in the international searcher of vacancies & #8220; ’едхантер” and at a Russian-speaking forum & #8220; Ѕеседка”. Here it is possible to find useful information about firms which accept foreigners, their addresses, the websites; councils and recommendations.
In the presence of acquaintances in Israel it is necessary to try to look for the employer through them. Working vacancies are also on the local Russian-speaking websites though to find something suitable there quite difficult.