How forever to release 2 GB of ram in windows 10, amusing

In the Windows 10 operating system the Microsoft company actively uses telemetry & #8212; in other words, "spies" on what we do on the computer. But it can be disconnected! So you not only will get rid of shadowing, but also release nearly 2 gigabytes of random access memory for more useful affairs. How to make it?
First of all we will look athow many RAM are "eaten" by our system. For this purpose press Ctrl + Alt + Delete, choose the Task manager & #8212; Productivity. Information necessary to us is at the left on graphics Memory.
Useful tips:
1. Download the DWS_Lite program. The application weighs couple of hundreds kilobyte and will not even demand from you full installation & #8212; for start it is enough to open the exe-file.2 loaded on the personal computer. Open the program and pass into the section of Control.3. Find below the inscription Include the Professional Mode and check opposite it. Note: Owners of Microsoft Office of 2016 have to come in addition into a tab of the Utility and specify that they want to disconnect also office telemetry.4. Return to the section Main thing and press the big button with the inscription Destroy Windows 10 Spying.5. Reboot the personal computer.
hello, thanks, really the size of the RAM increased I will look as will work.
Now it is possible to start shutdown of telemetry and release of "RAM". For this purpose:
Feel a difference:
Perfectly! If something goes not so, just make the procedure once again.