From our readers: we create unusual jewelry

To decorate a fir-tree for New year with the hands - a point of honor for any skilled worker. Everything is used: a burlap rag, a hank of a jute twine, a piece of the turned yellow ancient lace, a bead, many years ago sporoty from the worn-out Chinese jacket, and even buckles from shoes! Looking at a small group of this separate stuff, the ordinary person will only shrug shoulders. But not the needlewoman! Leave her alone with these treasures - and in half an hour will show you a masterpiece: a vintage sphere of extraordinary beauty, worthy to take a place of honor on a fir-tree.
It is possible to make jewelry of anything. For example, at the time of our grandmothers, except traditional glass spheres, the fir-tree was decorated with the nuts and tangerines wrapped in a silvery foil. Nothing prevents also you to revive this lovely custom.
The most valuable jewelry for a fir-tree is fragile glass spheres. They are carefully stored, having wrapped up tissue paper, and solemnly take from boxes only before New year. When such sphere breaks, apparently, as if with it the part of your heart leaves.
It is a little more difficult to execute hollow openwork spheres. They can consist of two or more identical motives connected among themselves in the course of knitting or to be tselnovyazanny. As well as snowflakes, for a while presoak them in starched paste or solution of PVA glue. Then balloons, threads will be necessary for you and it is a lot of cups, mugs and glasses. Having accurately passed a balloon in a sphere, begin to inflate it. As soon as knitted preparation hardly stretches, tie a ball, without allowing air to leave, and put before full drying in a mug. From time to time balls need to be overturned the opposite side down that starched paste was evenly distributed on fibers.
How it is correct to decorate a fir-tree by New year? Very few people ask himself this question. Meanwhile, it is beautiful to decorate a New Year's fir-tree is the whole art!
But there is one custom which is observed in each house: decorate the fluffy forest beauty - usually traditional fir-tree or a pine, according to family New Year's traditions. She creates the unique festive atmosphere.
You can show imagination, having decorated a fir-tree not with banal toys, and what will be on the attic or in the storeroom: the strings of an ancient beads, paper roses which slightly faded, but did not lose a charm satin ribbons, turned yellow from time envelopes.
Do you want to learn how it is unusual to decorate a fir-tree for New year? If you are able to knit a hook, with own hand it is possible to make original and even a little magic jewelry for you. Everything that for this purpose is necessary, is a hook 1,5-2 mm thick, several motochok of cotton threads with the symbolical name "Snowflake" and a package of corn starch (PVA glue can replace it with success).
Natural materials are an inexhaustible source of ideas for creativity. From cones, acorns, the dried-up circles of orange and sticks of cinnamon it is possible to create an unusual garland which aroma will be associated from now on at you with New Year's holidays. It is fresh and originally the mountain ash looks on a fir-tree - several branches covered with the brilliant, as if varnished, scarlet berries will decorate a tree not worse than expensive glass toys.
Using unusual materials (details from the mechanical alarm clock or the cuckoo clock, nuts, bolts and gears - a word, everything that will be in a garage of the husband), it is possible to issue a fir-tree in style stimpank. Monophonic golden, silver or bronze balls, metal chains, air designs from a wire will help to emphasize originality of such unexpected jewelry. Such fir-tree will look very originally and for certain will please not only to you, but also your friends.
Custom to decorate a fir-tree as any another, unites family: New Year's traditions are not only cheerful holiday, but also connection between generations.
Very beautifully the self-made jewelry embroidered with a smooth surface and a cross looks on a live fir-tree. If, having noticed your needlework, someone contemptuously throws the offensive word "amateur work", can safely answer that such jewelry now in a trend, and the price on них… Actually, the embroidered products for certain will not remain unnoticed, whether it be the icicle found, embroidered by beads or the funny seaman-snegovichok.
If you were going to decorate a fir-tree with beaded spheres, stock up with an electrogarland with white light bulbs. She will emphasize a rich palette of beads, without having distorted its shades, and in the evening your fir-tree will be also fine, as well as by the light of the sun.
Did you sometime see the fir-tree decorated with spheres from beads? It makes the stunning impression. Noble gloss and mysterious blinking of thousands tiny a biserinok will leave nobody indifferent. Of course, to braid with beads several tens of spheres, time will be required. But the result much more will surpass all your expectations! It is possible to accelerate process if not to braid, and to tie balls with a hook, previously having strung beads on a strong thread according to the scheme.
Having decorated a fir-tree with lacy spheres and snowflakes, you will delight all guests. Do not you trust? Try!
In many houses honor New Year's family traditions. Everyone has them the. Someone together prepares an entertainment for a holiday table, someone all family watches the good old fairy tale which is included only this day, and someone, having gathered at a round table in the house of the grandmother, cuts out paper snowflakes.
The only thing what it would be desirable to remind of: if you decided to decorate a fir-tree with natural materials, refrain from adding them with glass balls or snowflakes from paper. Sustained in uniform style, the fir-tree will look it much more attractive.
You without effort will find schemes of big and small snowflakes in any magazine on knitting. When they are taken quite a lot, make starch more densely, wet in it for half an hour your snowflakes, then wring out them and pin on the sheet of polyfoam. Completely dried snowflakes can be suspended on a fir-tree on threads or to make of them garlands, having strung alternately with beads of icy color. Such garlands, only the different size, it is possible to decorate not only a fir-tree, but also window eaves, doorways, backs of chairs and cases.
For few months about New year female magazines and nearly all websites pestret photos of beautifully decorated Christmas tree. But how to decorate own fir-tree for New year, having not just copied others idea, and having shown creative imagination, not everyone knows. In this article we will tell about various options of jewelry and registrations of a fir-tree and also about how stylish to decorate a fir-tree for New year, having very little spent.
How decorate a Christmas tree in the majority of houses? The biggest and expensive spheres hang out on the top branches, there are below those that more small and worse, and at the very bottom place old toys from polyfoam and paper, fairly arguing that there all the same nobody sees them. Now it is necessary to disguise the turned-out installation by "rain" which streams will be compared to Niagara Falls, or to wind branches with tinsel of gloomy dark claret color more densely - and it is possible to celebrate!
This option, as well as all others, has the right for life. It is pleasant to you? Decorate on health! But if you want to learn to decorate a fir-tree in due form, it is worth remembering several practical advice.
However if you decided on such valuable purchase, you should not decorate a live tree coarse plastic or foam toys. The classical glass spheres or cones painted manually will be the best ornament for a live fir-tree. However, they cost very much, but if to buy in a year at least two-three spheres, in several years you will have a remarkable collection.
If you in family have such traditions, surely follow them and transfer them to the children. It is a fine opportunity to stay in the family circle, to talk on pleasant subjects, to pay attention to children and the senior generation.
In a day or two (everything depends on air temperature at you in the apartment) spheres completely will dry. Now the most boring part of work is necessary to you: having armed with the handle with a roundish smooth cap or a reverse side of a hook, you have to methodically, doing not pass any large opening, to wring out a balloon from an internal surface of connected. This process is followed by very characteristic crash. When the crash stops, it is possible to untie accurately a balloon and to pull out it outside. In hands you will have snow-white or color miracle as if created by hands of the Snow Queen!
For registration of a live fir-tree it is possible to use the ancient jewelry which got to you from the grandmother. Decorated in vintage style, it will look touchingly and lovely, and you will have an opportunity to tell the children or grandsons about cheerful Chippolino, the cunning chanterelle or the scullion in a big cap who are fervently looking out from under prickly branches.
Most of our compatriots prefers to buy a live fir-tree. In it there is the reason: artificial Christmas trees, even very high quality, inevitably lose in comparison with the presents.