From our readers: results of the eighth week of a way of the artist

The 8th week of a course was generally devoted to "creative survival": Julia tells how it is important to live criticism and rejection of your creativity and not to fall into self-flagellation and creative crisis. My creativity since the childhood did not receive serious blows, generally I got support, than would not be engaged. But I arranged quite good test with own forces. In the report for last week I said that I wrote to the editorial office of the Zhit Po-drugomu magazine as they constantly look for adherents and new authors. I very much like this magazine and its team, these are kind many-sided persons, and it seemed to me that I could become one more voice in this variety. But I received absolutely unexpected response. Article sent by me (Life without holidays) it is perfect "did not respond", seemed "confusing", "strange", "condemning", filled with "sense of superiority" and desire "to convert celebrating in not celebrating" (in quotes - quotes from the response letter). I was simply struck that my text can cause such mountain of negative feelings and such interpretation. It was offered to me to rewrite everything. In me desire fought it will be pleasant to these cool people, and understanding that I have my voice and my vision, and they have the right for existence. 10 years' experience in the sphere of copywriting allows me to write almost on any subject and almost for any target audience. And, proceeding from the return reaction, I understood how completely corresponding stylistics of the magazine can make the article. But what sense in it? If I decided to speak about the life on its own behalf, then I want to use for this purpose the voice, but not some smoothed tolerant option which will touch nobody. Yes, my articles inducing because I have such character: if I found solutions of any problems, I seek to tell about it to those who look for an exit too and to encourage people on this way: But I condemn nobody and I do not try to tower over people. Yes, I lead almost hermetical life because I very sensitive and me people who harm themselves and people around will wound. But I understand how they became such, and to me sick to be near them not because I feel contrast between "clean and great" me and "disgusting" them but because I deeply sympathize with them, and I see that I cannot help them in any way. I know that my Way is permanently connected with support of people, with creation of the safe environment in which it is possible to understand himself, to feel rest and joy of life. And if I with the vital values do not fit into tolerant society - there is nothing terrible in it. I will do what I do because it allows me to feel live and filled. I asserted in myself the right to be myself!
Of course, Ksenia. I too consider that in my case it is better to communicate with the audience)
It would not be desirable to tell criticism to the Live magazine in a different way, but at me the enthusiasm in their party when wrote the comment question directly to the editor-in-chief was a little lowered too, and I was ignored though the subject belonged to what was in article. It was once again convinced that & #171; do not create to yourself кумира» & #8212; it is necessary to remember that we are people who can seem ideal from the screen, but in reality at all the cockroaches and preferences. So it did not turn out there, so at you the audience already here was created, and will extend slowly but surely because write vital things
Many thanks to my husband that helped to understand this situation. Initially the reply of the editorial office seemed me just monolithic stone which cannot absolutely be analysed and used somehow for the life. And in his hands any monolith turns into a ball, and it just untwists it, showing me the making threads. I do not cease to admire the husband!
Olga, I too then was surprised)) perception, How different at all.
responses under your article surprised. I specially followed the link and read it. Did not see anybody the relation haughtily, mrayanost. An the business article was also pleasant to me and the ideas in it responded. For me holidays are joyful because I do not work (I work for myself, but nevertheless it is pleasant to take a break) and children not at school. And other components of a holiday and the truth are not especially interesting to me.