From our readers: metabotsin can become new obesity medicine

Chili pepper contains connection which can provide a set of surprising advantages to health. This connection known as kaptaitsin, gives to chili pepper sharpness.
Doctor Tyagaradzhan and his colleagues investigated influence of a metabotsin on mice and presented the results at the annual meeting of Society of studying of food behavior (Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior) which took place in Bonita Springs, Florida.
As a large number of such receptors contains in fatty cages, researchers assumed that activation of TRPV1-retsepotorov causes combustion of fats in adipocytes - white fatty cages.
The report on a research was published in the Biophysical magazine (Biophysical Journal).
Experiments proved safety and efficiency of a metabotsin - medicine on the basis of the connection giving to chili pepper sharpness, but not the pepper and dishes on its basis.
Doctor Tyagaradzhan and his colleagues decided to check a hypothesis according to which metabotsin promotes decrease in excess weight owing to effect which kapsaitsin renders on receptors of transit potential on a vanilloida 1 (TRPV1) which are a part of a system of regulation of body temperature and perception of pain, including feeling of burning.
According to earlier conducted researches, kaptaitsin it can be useful to treatment of such diseases as rheumatoid arthritis and different types of a neuropathy. There are data that this connection can even stop reproduction of cells of breast cancer.
Within eight months when mice were given medicine, weight reduction continued, and side effects were not noted. At the same time distinct improvements in an organism of mice, including normalization of level of sugar and cholesterol in blood and also elimination of symptoms of a fatty disease of a liver were observed.
Assumptions of researchers were confirmed by the course of experiments.
The group of researchers of School of pharmaceutics of the University of Wyoming led by doctor Tyagaradzhan developed metabotsin - medicine which gradually (within 24 hours) releases kapaitsin.
Medicine proved the safety and also good tolerance mice. Metabotsin can become very effective component of complex strategy for the help to the people having obesity, doctor Tyagaradzhan notes.
The new research found one more positive effect of a kaptaitsin on health. The medicine developed on the basis of a kaptaitsin, proved the efficiency in fight against obesity.
However as researchers warn, their opening do not mean that for decrease in excess weight it is necessary to eat more hot pepper which, as we know, in large numbers badly are digested in a stomach.
Tyagaradzhan and his team also wanted to learn whether medicine will be effective in the long term and whether he causes side effects at prolonged use.