Dislaliya's and dyslexia, discussion

Published: 5.7.2018
of violation of speech functions at children: dislaliya and dyslexia

One of the most widespread violations of speech functions at children is the so-called dislaliya. The wrong pronunciation is shown at children with the normal level of development of hearing and an articulation. This disease is shown in replacement, distortion and total absence of certain sounds in oral speech.

to Understand

what is a dyslexia and what its symptoms at children, it is possible by means of observation of reading process. The kid with a dyslexia has insufficiently created mental functions which are taking part in reading.

Sometimes parents can distinguish normal development of the speech from disorder of speech functions not at once.

Often the technique of correction depends on frustration type:

As soon as the diagnosis is confirmed, logopedic treatment of a dyslexia begins. Correctional works are directed to elimination of all speech dysfunctions and pathologies of nonverbal processes.

The first step in treatment of speech frustration - visit of the pediatrician.

Further the doctor can suggest the child to pass simple tests, in particular, reading of the text, copying and the letter aurally.

He will be constantly mistaken in these or those sounds, to spell, distort syllables and it is even incorrect to comprehend the read fragment. At normal intellectual development the prevalence of a dyslexia at children, unlike a dislaliya, delivers only 4-5%. Most often the illness is shown at boys.

It is very important to diagnose frustration at an early stage, but it is worth remembering that the specified symptoms can also accompany visual impairment. Therefore consultation at the ophthalmologist is desirable. To make the final diagnosis and it is correct treat an illness only the qualified specialist therefore do not trust this process to yourself or teachers can.

The heredity is considered one of the most obvious factors causing this violation of the speech. Also western researchers believe that very often the illness is shown at latent lefthanders.

However the main prime cause of a dyslexia remains brain dysfunction which, in turn, could be near is provoked biological factors, in particular, by injury of a brain or toxic damages of nervous system in the following cases:

Dislaliya arises at 50% of children of preschool children, 20% of children younger school age and at 1-2% of teenagers 9-10 years are more senior. The danger of a dislaliya is that on its soil there can be new violations in the form of a dysgraphia and a dyslexia.

Further you are directed to the logopedist who examines your child, since collecting such data:

Such disease as a dyslexia, has certain manifestations on which it is possible to recognize the diagnosis in time and to start treatment of an illness:

at optical type work is performed over visual and spatial perception; the phonemic form assumes correction of pronunciation of sounds and creation of representation and alphabetic structure of words; the tactile dyslexia demands work on understanding of schemes and development of feeling of space; at semantic type it is important to develop syllabic synthesis and a lexicon, to help children to acquire grammatical standards of language; mnestic violations demand development of acoustical and visual memory; the agrammatichesky form of a disease assumes works on assimilation of grammatical systems. Treatment of a disease at school students often has favorable forecasts. As for the adults suffering from disleksichesky violations, correction of speech function a little more large-scale and differs from work with children.

Also damages of central nervous system against the background of the diseases transferred mother, for example, of flu or a rubella become the reasons infectious. Besides, the dyslexia quite often accompanies other frustration, such as alaliya and dislaliya, dizartriya, aphasia, cerebral palsy and delay of mental development. Refer deficiency of normal speech communication, bilingualism and pedagogical neglect to the social factors leading to speech dysfunction.

Source: http://photo-rai.ru

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