At requests of readers: symptoms, the first signs at men, identification of a state

The Predynsultny state in this case has rather pronounced neurologic symptoms which are real for making out in time and, as soon as possible, to ask for the emergency help experts.
Violation of blood circulation in 1 of areas of a brain happens hemorrhagic or ischemic character.
Today the ischemic stroke promptly looks younger. If half a century back it people for 50 had, in most cases, now the angiospasm of a brain can happen also at the relatively young person.
The reasons of an illness is a hypertension in the started form, chronic alcoholism, the improper plentiful feeding and lack of the movement and also stresses. The special state can precede a stroke. It has identical manifestation at men and women and testifies to need of emergency medical service. Such state predynsulty is called. Let's talk about it in more detail. Let's consider what is a prestroke, and and at women we will discuss symptoms and the first signs at men in details.
Hemorrhage is provoked by break of a vessel or treatment of fabrics blood. The second option ordinary is followed by damage of a thalamus - a visual hillock.
Problems with brain blood circulation often look from outside as the inadequate behavior caused by intoxication. However it is always necessary to remember what timely actions for assistance can save to the person not only health and full existence, but also life. At a stroke the account goes for minutes, and the correct actions of surrounding people can be decisive.
The healthy person will make all these actions symmetrically.
So, people of 40-45 years, especially after any nervousness, a sudden bad message, a quarrel, a stressful situation at work are exposed to risk. The male stroke happens usually at younger age, than it happens at women. Such phenomenon by the fact that men take care less is explained, abuse alcohol and nicotine, do not watch food.
This type of a stroke is hemorrhage actually to the area of a brain or in its cover called web. Most often this phenomenon arises in one of two hemispheres, is rare - in a cerebellum or in a trunk. The main reason of such stroke - a hypertension.
Symptoms of a stroke of this type are the following phenomena.
Any kind of tension - nervous or physical can provoke this type of a stroke.
The wrong way of life, chronic fatigue and stresses, nervous tension, overeating together with a large amount of the drunk alcohol, a sleep debt becomes its reason.
What it is possible to make before arrival of crew?
Before to take any measures, call "Ambulance", it can hold resuscitation events and support activity of an organism before arrival to hospital.
The strong nature of pulse, high level of arterial blood pressure, rapid breathing, sometimes with rattles are characteristic of a hemorrhagic stroke. The disease has rapid development, vomiting can be observed.
If in a case with a hemorrhagic stroke the cerebral hemorrhage takes place, then this type of a disease is characterized by the termination of food, and, so and functioning of a part of body. Vessel atherosclerosis becomes its reason, there is thrombosis. Supply of a brain with blood is sharply broken, there is his heart attack. Ischemic stroke - the reason of paralyzes and loss of speech functions.
On one of the first places on mortality there is a sharp state which is characterized by violation of blood circulation in a brain and is called a stroke. Even at preservation of life this misfortune promises problems with physical and intellectual activity, at best long and difficult rehabilitation will be required.
Stages of a hemorrhagic stroke:
The Predynsultny state overtakes the person in the afternoon. At it pressure sharply raises or falls, before eyes circles or "front sights" begin to flash, objects seem red. The sight can fall. One more characteristic sign is a wry smile, the incoherent speech or movements. Quite often the person with a predynsultny state is taken for drunk though it absolutely not so.
Very first and main that should be understood and acquired: both men, and at women have a stroke and any symptom preceding it is treated only in a hospital, in neurologic office of hospital. The quicker the patient, the better there will be brought.
If you suspected wrong, looking at the person in the company, on the street, in family houses, do not allow anybody to laugh at it and carry out the test.
How it is possible to distinguish an ischemic stroke?