Weather on months in India, the most interesting

India is the bewitching and unusual country. Many tourists correlate it only to Taj Mahal, forgetting that India conceals in itself much more mysterious and unexpected. Most of our compatriots, choosing where to go once again, safely buy the permit to India.
Here everyone will findsomething for itself(himself): it is possible not only to have a rest, but also to study the new culture, language, habits of local population. A certain specificity and difference from the states of the former Soviet Union and the European Union caused leadership of India among the best countries for tourism. But, going on the vacation, it is necessary not only to study where there are local attractions, but also to pay attention to what weather in India on months.
And in the south of the country warm air and water of the ocean will promote holding an unforgettable active holiday.
To the beginners tourists yet not familiar with all delights of this magnificent country, it is recommended to analyse temperature of India on months. However it is necessary to take in attention only that area where you are going to go, thanks to a climatic variety and the sizes of the territory of the country, temperature and a weather situation in the Himalayas and to Goa, for example, significantly differ.
Climatic conditions of India are caused by its location. The direct proximity to the mountain Himalayas system became the prevalence reason in the territory of the country of warm winds from the ocean. Also because of it humidity level in India is higher, than in the states which are located with it in one climatic zone.
November is also considered tourist month, however because of reduction of quantity of holidays attracts travelers less. It is possible to admire exotic animals in reserved parks and also to try local fruit. Rainy days are gradually reduced, and temperature remains at the level of thirty two degrees.
For a better understanding about a climatic situation in the country temperature in India on months is given in the table below.
July also differs in the high level of humidity of air and increase in a daily amount of precipitation. By the end of July the frequency and duration of rains significantly decrease, but in August still it is not recommended to visit flat India: hot monsoons will hardly give the chance to leave often the hotel room, than can significantly spoil a holiday and mood. The number of rainy days significantly increases & #8211; to twelve, and average daytime temperature it is equal to 36 degrees.
The most popular month for tourism - January. December and February have smaller success. In the winter in India the sun till eight o'clock in day brightly shines, and there are practically no rains. Average temperature of a season - 22 degrees.
All above-stated factors give the chance to distribute a climatic situation in India on three conditional categories: hot and damp, dry with prevalence of tropical trade winds, dry, smoothly passing into hot and damp. Considering this division, it is expedient to describe climate in India not only on months, and and on seasons.
Winter in India - the real paradise for travelers. Rainy months for a long time behind, so, time of dry warm weather came. Tourists give preference to rest in the north of India where hot days are replaced by cool nights. Many of them visit ski resorts in the Himalayas.
Amazingly, but in the territory of this rather small country practically all possible climatic zones are presented: from tropical to moderate and a little Arctic (for example, in the Himalayas).
The fall in India attracts travelers with a temperate warm climate. In September in the country mass celebrations during which it is possible not only to steep in the culture of the country begin, but also to enjoy national spirit.
In the same way the frequency and profuseness of monsoonal heavy rains in the territory of India differ. It is known that this country has rather high level of humidity, however, as it appears, not everywhere. The coast of the Arabian Sea most strongly comes under influences of monsoons while the coast of Bay of Bengal practically does not suffer from them.
For rest the southern and central territories, and most favorable month for rest & #8211 are considered as ideal; October. At this time tourists go to foot walks and excursions. It is a unique opportunity to enjoy beauty of India.
Spring in India - a dry and hot time. Till a rainy season there are some more months. In March ocean monsoons which, actually, and introduce even more dryness during already arid climate are especially notable here.
To return summer during severe domestic frosts - with a trip to India it is real.
Generally tourists give preference to the central regions remote from the Himalayas and the Thar Desert. In April it is possible to observe increase in level of average monthly air temperature, and therefore it is not recommended to visit India in April. In the same way there are not enough tourists and in May, constant rains, and together with them and strong winds begin at this time.
In the summer in India that notorious rainy season which covers practically all its territory begins. The number of tourists significantly decreases, and only the most resistant will risk to visit the country at the height of rains and strong winds which begins in June. However mountainous areas still welcome all those who came to enjoy India.
At the end of spring near the massif growth of number of tourists which significant differences of night time and daytime temperature of air are not terrible is noted. If you go to India behind beautiful suntan - safely choose a spring season! Average air temperature - 35 degrees, and the sun warms till nine o'clock in day.
Thanks to warm climate in January-February plants begin to blossom, and palm trees, on the contrary, gain autumn color of leaves. Here birds from strange lands fly, and everyone will be able to observe them. However it is necessary to consider frequent formation of dense fogs in the winter at which visibility decreases to a minimum. For this reason it is better to take with itself not only summer, but also autumn clothes to be warmed in the cool evening.
The fundamental role in formation of climate of India, so, and distribution of weather on months, is played by the Thar Desert which provides both damp monsoons, and heavy rains throughout a third of year. The most rainy city in India - Cherrapunji: in the most "damp" months about twelve thousand millimeters of rainfall a year drop out here.