Ultim tule's , novelty

"Spacecraft of NASA & #171; New горизонты» departs to a ten-year travel on a visit the planet Pluto further!".
In our fantastic shows spaceships of next centuries are always universal and capable to travel to any place where their fearless captains go. In the 21st century all of us still are in an era when our spaceships are intended for single use and only for achievement of definite purposes. Because often they have enough fuel only for it. Several times we managed to send our ships to additional missions for visit of other comet or an asteroid.
And still one of a set of exclusive features of "The new horizons" is that it was from the very beginning developed to follow out of limits of Pluto and to explore other worlds which were not even identified at its start. It was necessary because during its take-off no object of the Kuiper belt which could reach "The new horizons" after visit of Pluto was known. Nevertheless, our statistical knowledge of the Kuiper belt showed what such objects has to be much, and we can find them while "The new horizons" are en route. As soon as it occurs, "The new horizons" will be redirected on new objects.
The next approach will take place in 33 minutes after midnight, however on Earth it will become known only next morning. In six billion kilometers communication works at distance very long: light will need 12 hours to overcome distance between Earth and the spacecraft. Carrying out the last maneuvers, the probe will be provided to itself. It is possible to tell, the probe will celebrate New Year at the far-out dwarf planet together with us.
Search went not according to the plan. Appointment after Pluto was much more difficult to find the place, than it was supposed. In many respects it was connected with the fact that the area of the sky which should have been investigated was near the center of the galaxy the Milky Way - against the background of which it was very heavy to make out dim, rare objects. Because in the center of the galaxy densely there are stars. When "New the horizon" made the nine-year trip on the Solar system, years of search of the best land telescopes could not find a suitable object. Reached that success of the continued mission to the Kuiper belt was called into question.
On January 19, 2006 when the powerful 67-meter Atlas V rocket with the tiny interplanetary device which hid in its almost empty fairing flew up into the blue sky, these words escaped from loudspeakers, having excited hearts and minds of people. Many thousands them gathered on Cape Canaveral and watched on TV and on the Internet even more. It was the fastest start from Earth as valuable shipment was sent to the farthest of objects ever visited by space probes. When the giant Atlas, at last, saved the launch pad from the greatness, the words "further!" not strongly drew attention against the background of all it love to Pluto.
Only unplanned search by means of the Hubble space telescope could save the situation. In June, 2014, all one year prior to a meeting with Pluto, Hubble it was put into operation and the team of "The new horizons" managed to find two objects for visit taking into account available fuel. From them object MU69 nowadays known as "Ultima Toole" (Ultima Thule, the Greek-Latin expression meaning "outside the known world), was in more favorable orbit for interception.
Separately It is necessary to tell that the probe does not represent what will meet. Usually we send devices, knowing much more about the purpose, than now about Ultima Toole. Now only its approximate size (about 33 kilometers in the diameter) and a peach form from two shares is known to us. Perhaps, it is two separate objects which are turned in dance. The planet is slightly more red than Pluto.
And now, after flight of Pluto in July, 2015 and detection of this dwarf planet and its five satellites in all to their surprising and motley glory, "The new horizons" go towards Ultimy Toole who moves in an orbit on one and a half billion kilometers further from Earth, than Pluto. On the eve of New Year Ultima Toole will become the most distant world ever explored by the person as "The new horizons" will fly by in several thousand kilometers from her surface.
And if a little carries, this skilled space traveler will find one more world before goes forever to wander about the galaxy. One more daring spacecraft which truly served mankind and lost in space darkness.
But to us it is not a pity. And to you? We will discuss Guo in our chat in Telegram.
But now, nearly 13 years later, we just about learn that they meant actually.
As Ultima Toole is so far, such small and dark, we have no spectral hints concerning its superficial structure. And as it is such small purpose, and "The new horizons" moves so quickly, for couple of days before collision it will be able to sort only a handful of pixels. This meeting will begin and will end very quickly even in comparison with other flights.
The same set of seven exact tools which opened to us Pluto three years ago will be used for fast, but detailed studying of Ultima Toole and her environment. Whether there is a lot of on it craters? Uniform it or not? Rough or smooth? Rocky or ledovity? We will receive answers soon and we learn not only about history of this mysterious object, but also about one more detail of origin of the Solar system. The Kuiper belt is a remote construction warehouse of the Solar system in which construction materials from the known planets are stored in the dry, cool place. What relics it stores, we still should learn, and "The new horizons" as it is amusing, will really expand our horizons in these knowledge.
The Kuiper belt - the huge, far storage of millions of frozen, primitive objects which existence was supposed long ago, but was confirmed only during the mission to Pluto in 1990. Opening of the beginning of the 1990th showed that Pluto was not just strangeness on an outer edge of the Solar system, and a part of absolutely unexplored territories outside the Neptune's orbit. This opening helped to organize scientific support of a mission which turned into an expedition to Pluto and the Kuiper belt subsequently.
Source: http://photo-rai.ru