Popular : as the menopause affects health of heart

Published: 3.1.2018
as the menopause affects health of heart

Many women pass through a menopause with hardly any trouble at all. Nevertheless, it is better to have regular examinations at doctors at least once a year. At least, you are convinced that everything is good, and you can be quiet.

These measures are necessary if you have a risk or family history of cardiovascular diseases or a stroke.

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The most widespread is that arteries and veins lose elasticity and elasticity. All this can cause increase in arterial blood pressure.

There are its bases:

The menopause forces to slow down a metabolism, at the same time, the ability to digest food also becomes worse. These two factors lead to sharp increase in weight.

In case you have a diagnosis diabetes, it is important to pay special attention to changes of level of glucose. If you noticed that its level increased, consult at the doctor that you have to do.

Changes in levels of estrogen and progesterone influence reaction of cages to insulin. For this reason its reduction or an imbalance can cause fluctuations of level of sugar in blood.

It is anyway important to notify the cardiologist at once if noticed unusual warm reductions or dizziness.

If already were diagnosed for you other heart troubles, it is important that you paid more attention connected with these symptoms.

Did you sometime hear that the menopause can affect health of your heart? From the beginning of this period the organism ceases to control properly production of such important hormones as estrogen and progesterone. Therefore women in the period of a menopause are more inclined to any diseases, further we will tell about it in more detail. Pay attention to these data and do not allow a menopause to cause damage to your health. Menopause and problems with blood circulation

If at you never was such problems as diabetes, prediabetes or the increased glucose level in blood, it is important to carry out control measurements regularly. Times in half of year are quite enough.

Decrease in estrogen usually is one of the main reasons for emergence of problems with health of heart after a menopause.

Other way which the menopause affects health of your heart, & #8212; it is heart rate. It is connected with the fact that the blocking of vessels generated by hormonal changes breaks blood circulation.

Violations of a warm rhythm

High level of cholesterol leads to blocking of arteries and veins. Besides, there can be other problems, for example, causeless hematomas and even heart attacks.

To reduce risk for health of your heart after a menopause, do not forget to support a healthy lifestyle, especially after 35 years.

One more party with which the menopause affects health of your heart is noticeable fluctuations of level of cholesterol in blood.

These precautionary measures are necessary because other aspect of how the menopause affects health of heart, & #8212; it violations in blood vessels and in blood.

It is connected with the fact that levels of estrogen influence the level of the LDL cholesterol known as & #171; плохой» cholesterol.

It is connected with the fact that estrogen plays an important role for elasticity of an internal surface of arterial walls.

Increase in weight

It is expedient to consult in this question at your cardiologist if he told that this problem exists. Together with your gynecologist or the endocrinologist, he will develop the corresponding plan of therapy.

Women with an excess weight have heart troubles more often: from the increased blood pressure to full cardiac arrest.

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Source: http://photo-rai.ru

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