Popular : 4 effective solutions to get rid of pincers in the house

Pincers & #8212; these are the small microorganisms belonging to family arachnoid which live and breed in various parts of our house, especially in living rooms.
I in spite of the fact that usual cleaning in the house helps to eliminate the most part of wreckers, sometimes, at all to get rid of pincers, it is necessary to use additional resources.
Method of application:
It is ready to add to this product essential oils with antibacterial properties also enough: time to finish harmful microorganisms came!
Its connections help to disinfect surfaces, facilitating removal of dust and reducing presence of dust pincers.
1. Baking soda and essential oil of a tea tree will help to get rid of pincers
Prepare one of above-mentioned means and get rid of them as soon as possible!
Method of application:
Way of preparation:
Way of preparation:
Having united properties of an anise, a carnation and a lavender, you can receive 100% the natural means ideal for removal of dust in the house. Besides, it will present pleasant aroma even to those rooms in the house which are badly aired.
Way of preparation:
And all nothing, but presence of these microorganisms can cause in residents allergic reactions (on skin and eyes) and respiratory diseases.
On the basis of alcohol which for certain is available for you in a first-aid kit you can always prepare own natural means to get rid of pincers and to disinfect rooms in the house.
Suddenly began to sneeze, bunged up a nose or eyes reddened? It is obvious that it is allergy symptomatology. And if you cannot cope with it, it is quite probable that to all fault dust pincers which intruded in your dwelling.
Before use surely stir up a product and spray it on beds, blankets, covers, pillows and other surfaces where dust pincers could lodge. Also you can use this mix and in dusty places (as well as in the previous case). Do not forget to include regularly this procedure in the house cleaning, and ticks will leave your house forever. 4. Anise, carnation and lavender
Properties of these ingredients allow to remove pollution and to change Wednesday, favorable for reproduction of harmful microorganisms, doing it more unsuitable for their life. Besides, soda and oil of a tea tree neutralize unpleasant smells.
Method of application:
Spray the turned-out liquid on all surfaces where there is a dust, and leave for impact on time from 3 to 5 hours. Then remove excess of mix together with dust by means of pure fabric. If desired you can spray this mix and on the mattress, and then allow it to be aired within several hours. Repeat this procedure 2 times a week.3. Alcohol and essential oils
Way of preparation:
And today we want to share with you 4 best recipes that next time when you clean up the house, you could try them in operation.
The organic acids which are contained in white vinegar do it very interesting and, the main thing, by eco-friendly cleaner.
Method of application:
Mix of baking soda with essential oil of a tea tree is effective natural remedy to get rid of pincers which lodged in mattresses and pillows.
They are in dust though they and cannot be seen without microscope, and especially well propagate in the damp, warm and badly ventilated rooms.
Fortunately, besides great variety of chemical purchased products, there are also completely natural decisions which provide similar effect.
It is recommended to use it for disinfection of the bedroom and clarification of surfaces of furniture as it effectively eliminates the microorganisms causing an allergy and unpleasant smells.
Source: http://photo-rai.ru