Overdue gift, the first appointment and 1500 books, novelty

As you could guess, Sasha is I. And here what you hardly guessed, so it that the order of two more books became a result of the first appointment. Also rushed.
Somehow to fix achievement of the goal, I began to celebrate every day the number of the read pages. Being a person of IT (I work as the technical lead of the direction on development of software products), began to fix reading on github because at that time there was already a pleasant implementation of history of kommit (that is the recorded changes).
At that moment I was 28 years old. The stated volume needs to be read for 42 years. At the same time only books - articles are taken into the account, blogs and so forth it is not considered. Also all books which I read up to this point are not considered.
At some point on euphoria wave from reading I had a desire to deliver itself a big, but attainable aim. Actually, under the influence of books the purpose was chosen and formulated quickly enough.
Change history on github looks approximately so.
Parallel to it I continued to buy and read books. By a present situation at me already maximum discount on evolution of discounts (93 books), the wife is also successfully placed on the MYTH, together with it we are bought by children's books about which our kid Danya just is crazy.
The purpose strange or silly seems to you? Well, it is another story if it is interesting to you, contact me through the MYTH, and I will tell. For now let's look at the purpose a little from a different angle.
And here the charming wife of the mentioned person came with a mysterious look, smiled and with the words of a congratulation on a wedding anniversary got two books because of a back.
There was a September, not that rainy, but causing various thoughts, as a rule, not of the most cheerful sense. The person with whom we will get acquainted a bit later sat on a sofa and watched TV. There was a repetition of the old, but decent movie, in thoughts was empty, and on a body fatigue crept away.
At once several emotions in the head of the same person faced with each other. What emotions were? The first surprise because the congratulation was broke out, of course, we will tell directly, a little overdue. The second the curiosity as books were packed woke up and actually it was unclear that in hands. Then the gratitude to darling for a gift was tightened.
Lazy by nature and by profession our hero, feeling boundless love to the wife, several days later decided to undertake one of the presented books. "45 tattoos of the manager" Maxim Batyrev were it. The book was devoured by volley, practically in one day. Rather quite good result for the person who read about two books a year.
To it I gained plus and expanded the knowledge in economy, statistics, quantum physics, psychology, astronomy, management and several more spheres.
On it I finish the story, but my history, history MYTH and people whose lives it really changed does not come to an end.
As I have a vast experience of programming (more than 15 years), I fast designated requirements to desirable service for accounting of read, designed and realized. Only four days left. The functioning application which solved all my problems turned out.
Appearance of history of reading in the personal application
Having inspired by execution of the book so strongly, as contents, our hero spread in network to look for information about publishing house which published such tremendous book. And there was the first appointment of Sasha and the MYTH.
1. Days differ in quantity of kommit in color. I kommitit the number of pages, but just the quantity could not be seen on the picture.
Thanks to the fact that you with soul approach the work you force also other souls to become wiser, cleaner and stronger.
The key moment in this case was that for today it is possible to fill out information only in the present day. For it is impossible to specify changes yesterday. It allowed to establish discipline in achievement of a goal.
With my speed of reading of 2 books of that time a year I, certainly, was not in time.
Appearance of history of kommit on github.com. The is more dark green, the more changes were made.
Sometimes we receive letters from which we become happy. One of such came from Alexander. We read and re-read the letter all MYTH, were proud, admired, rejoiced. And, of course, wanted to share. Word of the Sachet.
I want to tell once again heartily to you, the MYTH, many thanks!
And now let all know, dear MIF that you do with people and what support led me of you to (in the form of various actions and just charming service and a cosiness which you give), from my small application and, of course, from my family:
After a while it became clear that github after all does not approach under my needs concerning reading. Shortcomings were the following.
2. Only today. Often because of affairs family I did not manage to zakommititsya, and as a result of the page of drop in the next day.
Booklover and books of the MYTH
Source: http://photo-rai.ru