Novelty: how to help negatively adjusted people Steve of a peacock

I am often asked how to help the people who wallowed in negative thoughts or got to a depression. Below I give several advice on this subject.
Once I came to the old friend and as soon as I entered to it, right there covered me with a wave of dark energy. I immediately regretted about the visit. How many times I would not change a subject, it all the same returned to complaints to what irritates him in the life, in surrounding people and in the world in general. In half an hour I could not suffer more, and I had to leave. This person was a powerful power vampire. He tried to force me to support him in all its imaginary troubles to ego-trip as the victim. He was extremely dissatisfied when I refused to join it in its self-made prison, and its attempts to talk over me became more aggressive. And he received what he so strenuously tried to obtain from life. He was the victim because wanted to consider himself the victim.
Does not matter what specifically circumstances negatively adjusted people blame for the troubles. Eventually, each person has a freedom of choice. Irrespective of how irresponsible was the person, making the decision to roll down in a negative, at present this person has the right to make other choice. Therefore if you decided to help such person, your main task consists in helping it to make a conscious choice which will probably open before it more opportunities.
One of the major rules when you help negatively adjusted person, says: avoid emergence of negative thoughts at yourself. Negatively adjusted people are power vampires. They are capable to be focused infinitely on the problems, whining and complaining of own life and masterly declining all responsibility for the events. Their fear blocks an internal stream of outgoing energy therefore they are forced to be fed with external energy, extending it from people around. Having spent several hours with them, you will feel exhausted and tired, to feel concern and tension. Meanwhile, positively adjusted people overcome the fears, and their energy flows outside. Therefore they give energy instead of taking away it. After carrying out time with positively adjusted people, you will feel vigorous, to feel cheerfulness and enthusiasm. Most of people are somewhere in the middle therefore interchange by energy is, as a rule, equivalent.