New heading: 10 launcher for android without annoying advertizing

Published: 7.3.2017
10 launcher for Android without annoying advertizing

The list for those who were tired of annoying offers of paid widgets and premium and subjects.

Launcher supports by

third-party packages of icons, has the built-in light, dark and transparent subjects. Allows to choose also a form of badges: round, tear-shaped, square and so on. However, the last function works not with all icons. Any other frills are not provided here, but it and to the best.

Removal of objects, opening of the menu, browsing of desktops in TSF Launcher is followed by beautiful effects which choice is quite big. Together with a launcher it is possible to load and 3D - widgets from TSF: they look very and very effectively too. Launcher is run both by buttons, and gestures. If desired its appearance can be diversified by means of third-party subjects.

In a launcher of Siempo the minimalism is built in the absolute. There is nothing for what an eye could be hooked. Only the black text and badges on a white background. Siempo purpose - not to allow you to be distracted by something: social networks, messengers and other nonsense. It is calculated on increase in concentration and efficiency.

As well as the previous application, Rootless Launcher has an open source code. Launcher nicely looks, takes not enough place and does not try to strike the user with a heap of settings. And he also imitates Pixel cover.

One of the most functional free launcher in Google Play. In abundance of its settings first it is even possible to get confused. Launcher is capable to load automatically images Bing and to establish them as wall-paper. He supports subjects and packages of badges, shows a news feed and "Fast viewing" with widgets, calendar events, weather, tasks and other trifles.

The most popular launcher in Google Play, and it is quite deserved. Nova Launcher supports a heap of subjects and badges, allows to adjust in details each icon on the home screen, provides the convenient scrolled dock for the most necessary applications. And at the same time it is very fast.

This launcher is created for those users who unevenly breathe to Pixel Launcher from Google, but did not buy the Pixel smartphone yet. It open the source code and several additional settings, but externally it almost completely imitates Pixel Launcher.

In the paid version it is possible to include an automatic podstraivaniye of a subject under color of wall-paper and also to fix settings of a desktop accidentally not to change them. Besides, in Action Launcher Plus the weather widget is available.

In Lean Launcher it is allowed to change a form of badges and to establish third-party icons. If necessary it is possible to hide signatures of labels and to hide unnecessary applications, to adjust the size of a grid and color of the search panel in the bottom of the screen.

A pleasant launcher who is used on Pocophone F1. It is very similar to the home screen of the MIUI system, but with one essential distinction: in Poco Launcher there is a menu of applications in which programs are sorted on categories. It is far more pleasant, than the applications scattered on all home screen in MIUI.

Very peculiar launcher not similar to the others. Its counter - abrupt animation. The three-dimensional turns floating on a desktop objects, abundance of effects - hardly TSF Launcher will be to the taste to owners of low-power smartphones. But here it will precisely subdue fans of prettiness.

The simple and nice launcher who weighs a little and quickly works. He supports control of the size of badges, allows to change quantity of columns and lines with icons on the home screen, possesses the simple and convenient menu of applications, can hide seldom used programs. To put it briefly, all that is able, as the launcher respecting the user has to be able.

It is possible to operate Evie Launcher by means of the adjusted gestures. The search box which is placed on the home screen allows to look for not only in Google, Bing and DuckDuckGo, but also among the installed applications.

One more popular launcher in whose free version there is no advertizing. He is issued in style of stock Material Design. Action Launcher provides to users convenient dock with the panel of search of Google and the adjusted menu of applications with function of concealment of low-useful badges.

In settings it is possible to choose a pack ice of icons, to correct group of applications in the menu, to change the size and the model of badges and even to include sorting of the last by the color that it was easier for you to be guided among them. This is a simple and convenient launcher who took all best from MIUI cover.

Microsoft Launcher is a part of an ecosystem of Microsoft on Android so at installation it will ask whether it is necessary to be connected to your account (it optional), and then will unostentatiously suggest to establish Office, Skype, SwiftKey Keyboard and other applications. All this is absolutely free, and applications will be synchronized with your computer on Windows 10.

Though Lawnchair Launcher weighs less than 4 MB, opportunities in it are enough. Launcher offers light and dark subjects, he supports packages of icons, and a grid of badges, their size and the text of signatures it is possible to adjust. The dock bar with often used applications below extends so if necessary two rows of badges will be located there.

This launcher has a premium version which contains some expanded opportunities. Having bought Nova Launcher Prime, you will be able to include display of notices on icons of programs, to hide the unnecessary applications and to use gestures. However and the free option is quite suitable for use and does not contain any advertizing.

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