New : to accept itself with all giblets

Published: 25.10.2018
accept itself with all giblets

In article I explain one unusual, simple practice which is bringing closer to the world with itself - "practice of acceptance of". It was developed spontaneously in work with clients.

I Understand

how look strange all this can as if offer some negative affirmation. But the equipment certain time does not inspire anything new. On the contrary, it allows to pull out already put active auto-suggestion from soul depths and to neutralize it. Recognition does not fix a label, and opposite, allows to get off it finally. For many "experimental" it is tested, checked - works.

Fauna: monkey, cow, pig, ram, mare, deer, camel, goat, seal, donkey, giraffe, hamster, hippopotamus, ostrich, heron, chicken, rooster, duck, peacock, penguin, turkey-cock, baby bird.

One more analogy - the person who for some wild reason, suddenly, began to hate own left hand - at first marked it with a source of all the troubles, and then at all refused to recognize, say - "I have no relation to this poverty". Hid a hand in a raincoat pocket, for some time forgot about its existence and calmed down. But it became inconvenient to live in such constraint of to it, certainly. And business even not in how it had to meet many restrictions with such approach, and that a considerable part of all of its physical and sincere resources began to be spent for keeping this illusion of non-participation in own extremity. At night she dreams in nightmares, and creates a disturbing background of terrible presentiments and suspicions into the own account in the afternoon - something implicit, forgotten, chilling - absolutely nearby.

For personal peace of mind to work expediently not at random but only with those relevant experiences which disturb in the present. It can be the gone in cycles negative feelings, or the repeating emotions with which it is already simpler to take and deal - to remove them on "clear water" of direct understanding.

Appealing to the sexual sphere: onanist, impotent man, pervert, virgin, lewd.

Again and again I find out that psychological problems which clients handle are often emotionally rich escape from own hated identities - that half-truth about themselves in which sacredly trust when the next false personality becomes come into force relevant "I".

Look for own words. Sometimes for exact expression of feeling frankly obscene expressions are required. Well adjectives work with nouns in couple: bilious bore, lonely pervert, sick loser, old seal, etc.

Do not look for appropriate or beautiful words. Look for hitting into the purpose. If the emotion from it amplifies, means all of you do correctly.

And here, approximately the same happens to our consciousness. Those corners of an interior where live our frightening and contemptible "I", we the attention bend around far the party, trying to be approved in idealized images of.

Practice - not a panacea, not replacement of the psychological analysis and contemplate sensibleness, and rather - one of working additions.

Fantastic: goblin, vampire, gnome, hobbit, Gremlin, ork, demon, troll, werewolf, harpy.

Sounds absurdly, huh? But you guess that it is only analogy? Analogy of the events to all of us.

In process of repetition of a phrase and understanding of what stands behind it new more exact words can come - then use them. In articles I avoid obscene expressions. In private practice sometimes I resort to them to express most precisely the events with the client. Exact words are extremely important - they as if the labels allowing to pull out on a surface hidden in soul depths.

Such self-suppression is something like thin mental spasms. The more it is required to energy for suppression, the internal tension - the reason of a constant background of souls' and corporal ailments is stronger.

Simply speaking, it is necessary to find the izbegayemy false personality and some time to it really to stay, recognize it in full. Whatever humiliating the feeling was, it is only possible to get rid of its influence completely, is opened through itself having passed.

Speaking more particularly, for this purpose it is necessary to peer into feeling which you take personally and to give it the most accurate definition - to hang up a verbal label on the false personality.

"You are ready to recognize that you are not confident in yourself?" - a subject of the current poll. Results (for a moment writing of article): "Yes" answered 95%, "It is not confident in the answer" - 5%, "No" - zero voices. Honest answers. And such is a real deal.

So, all of us realize more thinly and we accept the events - this strange reality and ourselves. Own presence at the present becomes more, and unconscious motives and mechanical reactions are reduced. The storm of contradictory thoughts and emotions is built in a harmonious stream, consciousness is less taken images, the internal center around which the life cyclone is developed gradually is found and accrues.

Other articles on this subject:

What you know about yourself? Whom do you feel? What do not you wish to recognize? What are you ashamed of? What tells about you and your life a background of the current experiences?

I give below the small list of negative adjectives and nouns (that the first came to mind), which offhand often use for an implicit name of strangers and own false persons. You can run eyes, try on - suddenly that will respond.

Each emotion is, some kind of, a riddle in which the key to one of "rooms" of unconscious is put. The central theme of emotion around which experience twists - and is that "forbidden" point which is avoided.

The most part of all anguish happens because of inability to recognize and accept itself with all giblets. At the same time a part of consciousness is blocked, and the outcast vital energy which remained there, is stopped and degenerates.

About appearance: thick, bony, curve, ugly, defective, old, terrible, dirty, bald, humpbacked, wrinkled, pimply, pale, fetid, ridiculous, ridiculous, unnatural, abnormal, inconsistent.

Present the owner of the huge house with a set of secret rooms - in everyone the curve mirror reflecting the half-truth about life is suspended. In some rooms reflection in a mirror so terrible that the owner there does not come for a long time, was driven in by an entrance boards, and then barricaded all floor at all, trying to avoid any routes of leaders to it. And is late only in those rooms where reflection pleases and calms. As a result the considerable thrown part of own house as if filled with ghosts, became alien, frightening and unknown.

When the label is found, for example, it is "blank space", just try on it, repeating over and over again (it is possible about themselves): "I - a blank space Е". Let in it yourself, feel, recognize with the maximum understanding that you recognize. At such approach of do not remake and do not improve, and accept without any reservations and conditions.

If during reading this text at least once smiled - it is good sign.

If to run from ghosts from own unconscious bothered and there is already a wish to accept itself with all giblets as is, I offer one simple practice.

Here I will remind that in labels inherent in false persons are present no final truth about us - only a motley set of contradictory estimates and opinions.

What at the same time occurs? Forces which are taken away on suppression of the false personality cease to be spent and internal tension falls down. Other nuance - transformation of the logic inherent in a label. So far it is suppressed, in depths of soul sounds approximately so: "I a blank space - and it is awful". When ceases to be suppressed, automatically is accepted and all horror comes to naught; it seems as, everything is all right: "I blank space, simply blank space".

Similar practicians at many spiritual schools are presented as obligatory lifestyle. Nevertheless to dig unconscious a constant pressure - occupation not from pleasant - too difficult for "digestion", sometimes, there are emerging images.

Many psychological and okolodukhovny sources repeat that the way of self-knowledge passes through opening unconscious, expansion of consciousness and disentangling of neurosises - small knots of personal "karma".

General adjectives: weak, coward, abnormal, ridiculous, sick, uncertain, to nobody unnecessary, angry, pathetic, defective, stale, false, sour, bilious, spoiled, cruel, stupid, sticky, unpleasant, dependent, envious, whining, diffident, nasty, muffled, cowardly, ruthless, mercenary, vindictive, obsequious, self-satisfied, greedy, lonely, intense, fallen, opposite, looped, boring, vulnerable, rough, confused, pompous, neurotic, whimsical, hysterical, naive.


In article "I" am about negative. With positive "I" nobody tests direct difficulties, on the contrary - are glad to them. In practice in them the traps are concealed. About them - somehow another time.

If the phrase hits the mark, then will be met by the increasing internal resistance. But gradually, a minute later the emotional charge is dissolved - the driven-in "room" unconscious is opened, the secret is released, there is nothing to defend more. Then recognition becomes neutral - just some information.

General nouns: pettiness, the loser, the coward, the sucker, a rag, the fool, a brake, vegetable, a narcissus, the grumbler, the petty tyrant, the freak, the liar, the hypocrite, the thief, the traitor, the sadist, a garbage, the visionary, the sinner, the alcoholic, the addict, the sectarian, the gray weight, the woman, cattle, the grumbler, not the man (for the man), not the woman (for the woman).

As "illustrations" for article shots from the movie "Revolver" are used.

© Igor Satorin


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