Lazarevskoye, life hack

Lazarevskoye is the area in the west of the city of Sochi. 99% of hotels, sanatoria and health resorts are located in a priberezhny zone. There live also locals, houses are located closer to the sea. The settlement of "Lazarevskoye" is in the valley between the ridge and the river. From here nearby to Tuapse. In total about 30 thousand people live in the settlement.
the Tourist route allows each tourist to findthe place where he will come back not once yet. During walk you will see the mountain river, a sight "A damned font", all 4 pieces of falls and Eagle rocks. In Krasnodar Krai there are a lot of wonderful places, their beauty really opens only during the researches.
Length of the river is 39 km, it is the biggest river in the territory of Sochi. In hot days on its coast tourists and locals like to have a rest. Dense crowns are reliably hidden from heat. The river eats underground springs therefore water does not get warm enough here. It remains cool even during heat.
November is December, 2018 & #8212; Hungary (Budapest)
In search of the private house or the room it is possible to see the real estate of, here. Prior to the beginning of a resort season you have more opportunities to reserve inexpensive housing with all conveniences.
To you also the Crab gorge will be interesting. Here it is possible to see rocks, falls, canyons and caves. The sea of impressions and beautiful pictures are provided to you. The cost of walk is within 300 rubles of people.
There is very beautiful nature, it is possible to make interesting pictures. The track is equipped by all necessary for comfortable passing. Sometimes in way it is possible to meet small small restaurants and cafe where serve the tasty dishes.
The mountain river has a rapid current. You never felt anything similar as you will feel on the river. Sea of the drive, adrenaline and impressions of only several o'clock occupation. Rafting - occupation for fans of extreme rest and persons interested to tickle to itself nerves. Try it and you will never regret about the choice.
On the mountain the glacier of the size of kilometer lies, the small glacier is a little less by the size. During the summer period of time for a grief it is cool, only 18 degrees. In the winter here temperature does not fall below, than - 2 degrees.
In the settlement there are many interesting places. When bothers to lie on the beach and to go on restaurants, it is possible to see local attractions.
March, 2019 & #8212; Netherlands (Amsterdam)
As a result you will save up to 60% of the budget selected for housing. It is possible to find the necessary option of housing on bulletin boards, forums, the websites of the real estate or in social networks. It is recommended to carry out search some days before the trip. During a resort season the house-keeper options and qualitative housing comes to an end quickly.
Today the settlement - the popular resort in Sochi, thousands of tourists from all CIS and the world gather here.
It is possible to buy the road freezer in shops of household appliances. Its cost is not so high, and it will serve not one year.
Taxi drivers like to squeeze out a maximum of inexperienced tourists. To pass by the office taxi will be 3-4 times cheaper therefore previously write down several numbers of taxi services.
To choose an optimum way and will not get lost easily by means of the card or the navigator. In Lazarevskoye your rest will be comfortable and bright.
Besides in the settlement active night life. You can visit various parties, concerts, discos. Several clubs invite to dance all night long till the morning. In Lazarevskoye there are all opportunities for a memorable stay. If you make the plan of the entertainments, will manage to see a lot of things and to try.
Except shopping, independent walks on the settlement it is possible to spend time actively here. Go with tourists to an excursion to the city of Sochi. Here the guide will tell a city story, will show you sights and the most interesting places. The cost of tickets about 700 rubles of people, duration of walk is up to 10 hours.
Riding walks - one more type of entertainments in the settlement of Lazarevskoye. The private stable Con Tur will provide quiet horses of all breeds and colors. Animals are accustomed to people, are glad to see guests and to receive delicacies from their hands. Walk along the river, in memorable places of the settlement will not leave indifferent any guest. Besides, communication with horses help to struggle with depressions, apathy and a stress.
If the diving appears a little, it is possible to try rafting. Conquer the mountain river by the boat, float in an unforgettable travel with reliable team. Here special skills are not required. The instructor will show how to behave on water how to use tools how to follow safety rules.
To look at sea inhabitants and to have a rest all family it is possible in an oceanarium. The institution "Tropical Amazon" will allow to see practically all sea inhabitants known to people, they are brought from all parts of the world. The room is issued in special style, the special equipment is used. You will have an impression that you are on a seabed.
Tourist routes are selected firms which provide transport. Tourists can make changes voluntarily. Trips around interesting places of the settlement of Lazarevskoye are held by all-terrain vehicles or jeeps.
Things of sea subject are considered as traditional souvenirs: jewelry, a framework, candlesticks, hand-made articles from shells. Shells can be bought at the symbolical price here (from 10 rubles). Small, average. Big shells can become a worthy gift. Look narrowly at starfishes, the dried crabs - they are interesting souvenirs too.
The name of the river is translated from an ancient dialect as "the river which is taking away diseases and dirt". The small river flows and rests against the Black Sea. On its coast other resort communities are located. On the river bank it is possible to organize a picnic, to fish or get warm on the sun.
It will be interesting to glance also in a terrarium. Here you are waited by idlers, crocodiles, insects of different types and animals. The battleship - one of the oldest animal species on Earth lives in a terrarium. They say that it is the last descendant of dinosaurs. The excursion will present the mass of impressions and pleasure here.
The convenience of such excursion consists that you do not need to go, you sit and admire everything that meets at you on the way. On the car it is possible to overcome huge distances.
August, 2019 & #8212; Georgia
Return from the sea can be noted the amicable company. Vacationers bring to relatives and friends small gifts and souvenirs. What to bring from a holiday?
In translation into Russian it is called "the white head". The mountain is in the territory of the biospheric reserve of the Caucasus. Here it is interesting to spend time. In the mountain there are many caves of the different size. Length of the deepest caves reaches 650 meters.
Here it is possible to buy jewelry from natural stones or precious metal. Such gifts long are stored and will be pleasant to any woman.
The tourist route begins in the country from the Sputnik station. The person can pass it even without physical training. Tours to Agura Waterfalls began to be conducted in 1911. And still this sight does not lose the popularity. In historical times near falls tens of thousands of travelers stopped. They gave to drink to horses and restored forces before the further road.
The clothes with symbolics of Lazarevskoye can become one more pleasant souvenir. These are various t-shirts, caps, bags, pareo, scarfs and even towels. It is possible to buy beautiful cups, brelka, hot pads.
The tomb costs in the territory of Sochi, tourist routes are laid here. Archeologists say that it was constructed during a bronze era. Till our time the room completely remained.
December 2018 January, 2019 & #8212; SPb (Russian Federation)
The excursion to the mountain will be pleasant to fans of adventures and beautiful landscapes.
The legend says that in this area Prometheus who brought to people fire from the Olympus what it was cruelly punished for was chained. This legend was studied at school. The guide will tell it once again to refresh memory. One more legend tells about love of the girl of Agura. In her honor these falls are also called.
Walk to these places will allow to admire work of historical people and beauty of the nature of Krasnodar Krai. You will have a good time.
March is April, 2019 & #8212; Tuscany (Italy)
You can are interested in other articles in which Krasnodar Krai, including the little-known settlement of Veselovka, the village of Holmskaya and vice versa the visited Abrau-Durso, and also many others is described.
On a surface bushes, trees, plants actively grow. Here about 540 species of different vegetation. All of them meet only in the Caucasus. In the western part of the mountain there is a stream which falls from height of 158 meters. It is often confused with falls.
For a short period it is possible to see many memorable places. Trips are held all the year round. Some guests of this edge come in the winter when people are not enough here. Walk will be pleasant to all family, including children.
The settlement begins the existence in 1839. It is called in honor of M.P. Lazarev. This person is considered nearly the peacekeeper of these places, was involved in many battles. Two round-the-world travel and discovery of Antarctica brought to Lazarev international recognition.
Dolmens are tombs of historical time. This dolmen remained even since construction of pyramids in Egypt. The fact that the room was made in an integral monolithic plate is interesting. Same how many forces are necessary also for time to hollow such opening?
The cafe and shashlik houses where to you will suggest to drink wines are near and to try dishes of international kitchen. In general, the route will be pleasant to fans of adventures. Here it is possible to spend the whole day, to have a rest and take good pictures.
The cost of the train ticket from Adler to Lazarevskoye only 150 rubles. The way will take about 1 hour. Whether it is worth overpaying so if it is possible to reach with comfort by train? It is possible to get to Lazarevskoye and on the privately owned vehicle.
This canyon is nearby the settlement of "Zubova Shchel" in the valley of the small river Others. Canyon "Cool" & #8212; sight of national park of Sochi. The entrance to a canyon paid, the cost of visit is about 100 rubles from the person.
About 1 km, a half of a way passes duration of a tourist route on a canyon. There are special bridges with hand-rail and the equipment for transition. Beautiful landscapes, falls, mountains blow the mind.
Before going home buy spices, the Krasnodar tea, mountain honey, nuts and other delicacies. Natural products will help to fill up a reserve of vitamins B an organism and will be pleasant to your close people. It is possible to take away sea fish: dried, salty, fresh, smoked. But, such products need to be stored in the freezer, otherwise they will deteriorate.
To admire beauty of the nature and it is possible to have a rest in the fresh air having visited Krasnaya Polyana. From here it is visible: Backwoods, Khmelevsky Lakes, Mount Achishkho, falls Maiden tears (height of falling of water to 30 meters). Walk duration whole day. Cost is from 700 rubles for the person. Learn the concrete price in travel agencies.
In the settlement it is full of hotels, hotels and health resorts where it is possible to stop. But, the prices there, at the level of the city of Sochi. Room rate begins from 3000 rubles a day. Alternative option - the private sector. In the settlement of Lazarevskoye, the private sector the house-keeper will cost rest of 2015 of the price from 200 rubles a day from the person.
It is possible to reach the settlement by several ways: plane, train. bus, taxi, personal car. At first you need to arrive to Adler, and already from there to go to the taxi or the bus to the settlement. It should be noted that taxi at the station will cost much. According to last year trip cost from Adler to Lazarevskoye 4500 rubles.
In Lazarevskoye it is possible to dive. Here under observation of the trainer you can see the underwater world, will hunt on fish. Walk under water cardinally differs from usual types of entertainments. Who at least once dived with an aqualung just any more will not lie on the beach all the time. Always there is a wish for something interesting and bright.