International passport of the Russian Federation, selection

All know that the international passport is not the obligatory document, and only proves your identity outside the Russian Federation. According to FMS, 30% of the Russian population have this document approximately. That is, it is simply not necessary to the most part of Russians which never was going abroad.
the Biometric passport is called so because contains your three-dimensional image (the special photo becomes directly in office of FMS) and fingerprints. The electronic medium of information allows to undergo quickly testing on border that, of course is plus of this document.
In a stock of "old man" of 36 pages, it at moderate use just has to be enough for all term of operation. Also old passport is usually made out to children who grow, and become quickly unrecognizable on a photo.
The staff of FMS notes that the number of persons interested to issue the international passport recently considerably decreased. It is connected with introduction of long-term new passports though also increase in the cost of service against the background of the general decrease in the standard of living could have the impact.
Whether this document has other functions whether it can be useful on this side of the border? Very often in various institutions, from policlinic to library, we are asked to show the identity document. As a rule, it is about the usual passport. But if it there is no time at present whether can replace it the all-civil international passport?
Except expiry date, the international passport needs to be exchanged if:
To become the owner of the international passport, it is necessary to address to management of migration service in the place of your residence and to write the application. What documents will be necessary whether photos will be necessary and how many it is necessary to pay, depends on a type of the international passport.
For example to vote, the law on suffrage established the following documents:
By the existing bank rules, with the international passport you can exchange currency and make money transfer, as within the Russian Federation, and abroad. And here you will manage to create the bank account without usual internal passport only if in your document there is a mark that you constantly live outside Federation.
At the moment it is possible to choose the document, both an old, and new sample. They differ in validity period and the amount of the state fee.
He will act the whole ten years, but also is more expensive. The number of pages - 46 so can not be enough for inveterate travelers for ten years. But in such passport it will be long possible to receive visas of long validity period.
Documents which can establish the status of the citizen of the Russian Federation are listed in the law on nationality. Except the usual passport, it suits for this purpose also foreign.
The ancient document will work five years and costs cheaper. One more plus is that at urgent need it can be issued quickly, in three days.
If your international passport is expired, is not obligatory to exchange it at all. You can make it when you need it. But it must be kept in mind that replacement of the ancient document on new differs in nothing from primary procedure of receiving. So you should pass everything from the very beginning.
For acquisition of alcohol in shop (for majority confirmation) the Ministry of Trade approved the own list. The main thing that interests us in the context of a question, & #8211; at this list there is also an international passport of Russia. So with it you can safely be shipped not only outward, but also in wine and vodka department of supermarket.
There is no general normative document in which all versions of the identity card for all occasions would be listed in Russia. And there are separate lists provided for different situations.
Under the law, the staff of FMS is obliged to process your document within 30 days if you address them in a place of registration. If you live on a temporary registration, be ready to wait up to four months.