In salon and in house conditions, interesting

Published: 17.4.2018
bleaching of intimate zones: in salon and in house conditions

Quite often women face a problem of pigmentation (darkening) in delicate zones. It forces to hesitate of own body, sometimes even causes emergence of complexes, selects feeling of faultlessness. This problem is solved. There is a set of the modern ways allowing to carry out bleaching of intimate zones. The national cosmetology offers the methods of disposal of a problem too.

Irrespective of the chosen clarification method, this procedure always assumes removal of the top layer of epidermis thanks to what the necessary result is achieved.

Bleaching of intimate zones is carried out in house conditions and with application of the means of national cosmetology checked for years.

Now it is possible to find cream at which production this component is replaced with other components having similar effect in sale. Nevertheless Akhromin containing hydrochinone in the structure for intimate bleaching is used most often.

Cucumber. Vegetable needs to be grated, connected to the cream having nutritious properties. Apply the received mix on a gauze or soft matter and apply to skin for about 10 minutes.

Before the woman used means which contain salicylic acid, phenol. Also mercury ointment was applied.

Before choosing the method suitable for itself, it is necessary to study efficiency of each of them. Despite the seeming inoffensiveness, some of ways can make the injuring impact on skin, and their application is not repaid.

Coffee thick. It is necessary to mix substance with lemon juice in equal parts, to apply the received gruel on delicate area and to accurately do massage within 5 min. Then mix is washed away by means of warm water. Further apply cream for care of dry type of skin on this zone. The procedure repeats before achievement of effect twice a week.

Usually they are intended for use within 2 weeks with a frequency of 2 times a day. Skin has to have a rest from a peeling, and the subsequent procedures are carried out after three days after it.

A variety of creams today huge, but is the means checked for years. Among them there is a cream of the Bulgarian producer "Akhromin". Lactic acid, water, lanolin, paraffin, glycerin, sodium chloride, trilon B is its part.

On such option most of women stop the choice. As a rule, the cream containing necessary components for this purpose is selected. Each of the means offered by the modern cosmetic industry, has various cost, the application term necessary for achievement of result, structure, a method of application.

Juice of a wild strawberry, grapefruit, birch, pomegranate. They can be added at production in house conditions of cosmetics for bleaching of intimate zones on other recipes. Acids thanks to which skin lightening is carried out are their part. After use of juice it is necessary to process leather cream.

Before buying cream, pay attention to its components, the instruction to application, find out what principle of its action. Remember that this type of cosmetics surely has to promote peeling terms.

Lemon juice in number of several drops is added to mix. Apply gruel to skin, previously having made a peeling, for about 10 minutes. Further wash away it with use of warm water, apply cream on the processed zone.

Respectively, resorting to services of professionals, you all the same should complete process independently. But if you decided to make intimate bleaching in salon, the peeling will be made qualitatively, and the risk of traumatism will decrease to a minimum.

Now the conducting cosmetologists recommend to use cosmetics containing the following components:

The reasons can be the following:

In essence these manipulations are a peeling. It is possible to make them independently or having addressed experts.

Besides, the accepted medicines, dermatological diseases, inflammations, injuries, genetic predisposition, use of oral contraceptives, pregnancy can be provokers of emergence of spots in intimate places.

White clay. This recipe assumes processing by mix of cosmetic white clay and juice of a cucumber. Components connect in such proportion that substance turned out such density which will not allow it to spread. Juice of a cucumber can be replaced with juice of strawberry or parsley.

The main component of cosmetics is the hydrochinone representing the most effective substance for bleaching. It is toxic therefore it is forbidden to application in a number of the countries of the world.

Liquid ammonia with peroxide hydrogen. Connect these components in a proportion of 0,5 tsps and 1 tablespoon respectively and apply mix on the necessary area of a body for about 3-5 minutes. The procedure needs to be carried out twice a week. The course makes no more than 12 procedures. Before application of means apply it on a wrist - in the absence of reddenings, the nagger and other unpleasant feelings you can apply mix in house conditions for delicate zones.

It is important to find out what provokes pigmentation - perhaps, there are also other problems to which it is worth paying attention in parallel with disposal of skin darkening.

Also the means containing extract of parsley, a cucumber, bearberry are effective.

You can use one of the listed ways of disposal of a pigmentation problem, having chosen optimum for yourself.

Before applying it, surely study the instruction, use means, strictly following the recommendations specified in it. Sometimes cream is capable to cause an allergy therefore visit the dermatologist before use. To pregnant women and also in the period of a lactation it is impossible to use it.

If the problem of darkenings is not natural physiological process, it is necessary to solve it that she did not come back. It is necessary also for protection of an organism against development of various diseases.

Parsley. Knife greens, squeeze out from it juice (1 tsp is required), connect it to lemon juice in the same quantity, add 1 tablespoons of sour cream to liquid and apply mix to skin for about 20 minutes. This procedure is carried out in house conditions within 4 days, and then a break is without fail taken.

Consider several recommendations to which it is worth adhering, using any cream:

Before starting procedures, it is necessary to visit the dermatologist who will allow to establish the reasons and will confirm or will exclude presence of diseases.

Often women prefer to address professional cosmetologists who in salon will make the procedure. Experts carry out a peeling after which process continues with use of special creams at home.


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