How to cope with unsolvable problems, life hack

Published: 7.8.2018
how to cope with unsolvable problems

Look at a situation through a camera lens with the zoom mode. Source

On materials of the book "Right choice"

Correlate the level of a reality of your analysis to completeness  definitions of yours  problems. The definition is broader, the your analysis will be less detailed. How often we meet people , in details studying specifically formulated problem, and then complaining of difficulties. William Dzheims, American  the philosopher, told: "Art to be wise consists in ability to know what it is not necessary to pay attention to". A trial and error method, asking council, relying on own  experience, determine necessary  reality level for yours  problems.

Using this approach, you will be able to make the decision only after attentively consider everyone  its element. You distance, and gradually main decision becomes obvious, then bring closer and watch how this main decision affected smaller. Then you distance again and again look at the main decision in the light of occurred change . You can bring closer and distance many times until you make final  a choice. Going deep into details, you thereby test solvency of various options.

Many problems look hopelessly difficult. Sometimes  it seems that as try, on centimeter you will not promote. And you just begin to hope though somehow to slip. The following advice from the book "Right choice" will help you to cope with situations, the seeming unsolvable.

If you have to accept several decision , begin with the most general (what job to get in the new city), then you pass to the following (in what to the raiena to lodge) and to the following, to narrower (what apartment to rent). At each level be convinced that you understand what the best will be  option for the following step. It can influence also the initial decision. When choosing work knowledge of nearby inhabited raion will help to be defined. But directly raion accommodation to a vybiraita already then. Large corporations and military use this  the equipment .

Post cover:

Some decisions are connected in some kind of "bunch". Let's assume, you just graduated from college and consider two offers on work. If you agree to the engineer's position in Los Angeles, then will probably live in Westwood and continue training at evening department of the Kaliforniisky university. If decide to work as the area manager in San Francisco, then you will probably live in Berkeley and to study at business school of the University of Berkeley.

This equipment called as function of a lens of the camera allows to look at the decision differently. Distancing, you see a problem in general (the strategic decision). Bringing closer, you look at it in more detail (tactical and operational decisions).


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