From our readers: what to write to the summary to get on an interview

To make the good summary and to increase the chances of success in receiving a desirable vacancy, it is necessary to specify the "correct" reasons for leaving from former work. Among them can be:
Perhaps, it is one of the best reasons for leaving. Having heard it, your future head by all means will judge that you leave the company not because of money or the conflicts in collective, and for the sake of the professional growth and development. However, specifying such reason in the questionnaire, consider one important circumstance - it is impossible to explain with this factor leaving firm earlier, than in a year.
Such reason can also be used for justification of the leaving the former company. But here it is important not to overdo with a praise, too "sweet" words can cause suspicions in your potential employer.
As a rule, filling of the main points connected with experience and personal qualities is not a problem for applicants, but many people quite often have a question of what to write in the column "Reason for leaving" not to push away from itself the potential employer.
Rule second - the reason of leaving from the previous place of work should not contradict employment records (of course only if you worked at principles of the employment contract and received official salary). If dismissal happened under one of articles of the Labor code (for example, for a truancy, plunder or waste of property of the company, etc.), then hardly at reception for new work will believe that you did not accept irregular working hours and frequent business trips.
Having seen such reason for leaving in the questionnaire of the applicant, people who is responsible for employment of new employees, will draw conclusions on you as about the versatile and creative person who does not wish to stop on the achieved objectives. Creative people are highly appreciated by the management, but if to reason with this factor dismissal from all firms, then the personnel officer can regard you as person frivolous.
If you are in active job search, you need to make the competent and detailed summary. It is the business card of each applicant which allows to show to itself to the best advantage before the employer, to describe the advantages and achievements in a professional field, the business purposes and experience.
Another matter - dismissal by agreement of the parties. This formulation is the most favorable as it, as a rule, means that the parties left, as they say, friendly and have to each other no claims.
There is one more option - at own will. On the one hand, this formulation will not contradict your words if you tell that you want to study new types of activity or to try the hand in larger and serious company where professional and career development is possible. But on the other hand, it can cause suspicion, contrary to your words, you could leave the company because of the conflict with the management or colleagues.
In this case the personnel officer will think that dismissal is not connected with the low level of your professionalism, the conflicts in collective or your personal qualities, and is caused by factors, insuperable to you. However consider that to write inveracious data on closing or reorganization of the company is not necessary because during an era of modern technologies this information can be checked easily.
For example if you were forced to pay off because the office was too far from the house, explain that the trip to work took more than two hours, and you quite often were late as were forced to get stuck in long traffic jams, and the public transport schedule differed in instability. In this case not superfluous will be to mention that you were ready to pass into other office, however the free vacancy was not.
And still what reason for leaving you would not write in the summary, try to be the most truthful, each employer appreciates honesty, discipline and decency in the employees.
It is the best option with which it is possible to explain the fact that you left the company. As a rule, it does not raise additional questions and is perceived by the employer as a circumstance which does not depend on the applicant.
This reason can be written at employment in the summary, but be ready that during the interview it will raise additional questions.
However not each questionnaire is capable to interest the HR manager. To draw the attention of the personnel officer to the summary, it is necessary to make it correctly. For this purpose it is necessary not only to exclude grammatical, spelling and stylistic errors, but also correctly and fully to open questions.
Rule first - if you do not wish to lie, but the reason of your dismissal belongs to factors about which it is not recommended to write to the summary, report about it during the interview at employment. However pay attention that your answer has to be the most truthful and developed.
Also you should not specify such options in the summary as:
The column of the summary "Reason for leaving" concerns heads of all companies who are interested in employing not just highly skilled employee, but the person responsible, disciplined and able to get on with colleagues.
Whatever reason for leaving you specified in the summary, do not forget that the serious and experienced employer at reception to this or that position will be able to find out all truth, having made only one phone call. Therefore you should not embellish circumstances on which you were forced to leave the former company. Not to get into an awkward situation, it is necessary to learn to explain the reasons of the dismissal correctly.