From our readers: Ulyana Suprun called the main signs of deficiency of iodine in an organism

& #171; Whether your organism Receives the necessary portion of iodine daily? It depends on food. Honestly reconsider the diet: if there is an iodinated salt & #8212; you do everything correctly. And it is even better if you regularly use a sea cabbage, white fish, it is a lot of vegetables, fruit and walnut орехи». & #8212; Ulyana Suprun writes.
we Will remind, earlier Natalya Michkovskaya is a nutritionist, and in combination the wife of the popular showman Dyadi Zhora, opened secrets of the daily diet which helps it to remain in shape under any circumstances. You can look in more detail here.
Here still consequences to which can lead a lack of iodine of an organism:
To reduce risks of the yododefitsit, for preparation of daily dishes replace usual salt with iodated. Also you eat:
The daily need for iodine is not so big, but unambiguously costs your attention and efforts:
In some countries, for example in Japan, daily consumption of iodine can reach 20 mg a day (20 000 mkg) because of the use of seaweed and seafood. Australia counts up safe consumption to 2000 mkg of iodine a day for adults and to 1000 mkg & #8212; for children.
It is impossible to calculate precisely how many people consume iodine with food, but if at your daily diet not often there are products rich with iodine probably that the organism lacks for this microcell. It is bad as the delay of violation of intellectual activity and a metabolism can be a consequence.
For children:
It is rather difficult to create excess of iodine in an organism. WHO experts consider safe an iodine dose in 1000 mkg (1 mg) a day.
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For adults:
(1 mkg & #8212; it is 1 million part of gram)
Iodine & #8212; it is a microcell which is necessary for the person during all life, and his shortcoming leads to serious consequences. It is necessary to an organism for creation of hormones of a thyroid gland which regulates our metabolism.