At what diseases can be used vibration massage, a selection

Vibration massage implies oscillatory impact on an organism. It is carried out by special receptions or the device. It is used for reduction of pain, inflammation and also as tonic. From antiquity people studied action of vibration on a human body, but only in the 19th century it was succeeded to develop special receptions.
is recommended to clasp withDuring the session the child for edges and on an exhalation to press it a little. At bronchitis vibration massages need to be done from below up. The minimum age for use of similar manipulations - 6 months
It is recommended to hold sessions at spasms and also for removal of inflammations at bronchitis, osteochondrosis and at gastrointestinal diseases.
Continuous vibration is divided into such types:
As well as in any other type of treatment it should be taken into account a dosage as long mechanical influence can become, on the contrary, the reason of development of problems and diseases. For this reason it is worth knowing the main information on similar massage.
Generally, vibration can be continuous and faltering. In the first case of manipulation are made, without coming off the surface of a body by means of rhythmical fluctuations. The second type of vibration consists their several single blows which carry out, adhering to a rhythm, that is after each movement of a hand come off a surface.
Features of vibration massage at bronchitis at the child depends on his age:
Bladder. It is recommended to carry out procedures at weakness of his muscles. It is worth doing everything after depletion. Mechanical influence falls on nadlobkovy area. The session of at least 5 min., but no more than 10 min. lasts
For improvement of a condition of muscles the device has to make circular motions and also on the course of fibers of muscles. Applying the procedure to internals, the intensity of vibration has to be small. The session of 5-8 min. lasts
Scientists proved that mechanical influences activate and strengthen process of production of collagen and elastin, improve blood circulation and help to burn calories. Thanks to fluctuations vessels extend, inflow of blood increases, cages are saturated with oxygen. As a result hypostases disappear, skin becomes smooth and elastic.
Massage is contraindicated to people with skin inflammations, at fever, hemophilia, tuberculosis, you strike, thrombosis, varicosity, etc.
It is possible to carry out vibration massages for children and adults fingers, the palm back, fists and a hand by the put "boat".
It is important that shoulders were placed below the last edges. During massage it is recommended to the patient to sit down several times, to inhale deeply and to exhale sharply. At regular carrying out it is possible to get rid of seasonal diseases and also to strengthen bronchial tubes and a bronchial tree.
It is also worth telling that, considering increase in outflow of a lymph, slags, toxins are removed from an organism and the metabolism improves. If regularly to do vibration massage, then it is possible to get rid of fat and cellulitis. It is possible to carry out procedures both hands, and the vacuum and vibration device.
Small council better to cope with a problem - you carry out the procedure in 30 min. after drug intake. That the phlegm at children departed quicker, there is one secret.
Area of a back. It is applied at certain problems with a backbone and also at injuries and infections. I put on semicircular rubber or silicone nozzles the device. The intensity of movements has to be small. Painful points need to be kneaded balls. The session can last from the 3rd to 10 min.
Vibration massages of a thorax for the adult have the features. At first influence has to be made behind, and later it is worth passing to sides. Everything can be carried out hands or using the massager. The patient has to accommodate on a stomach, and under it it is worth putting the roller or a usual pillow.
When choosing the device for vibration massage surely pay attention to the nozzles going in a set. To walk in convex shapes of a body, it is important to have a concave nozzle, and the option with balls will be suitable for hollow.
Area of a stomach. It is recommended to carry out at flabbiness of muscles of a press and also at an atoniya of a stomach and guts. Sessions will be useful at chronic gastritis and cholecystitis. Semicircular nozzles are used.
It is forbidden to do it also at a vibration disease, bleedings and oncological diseases.
Most often the similar disease is followed by a severe cough, especially it concerns the child. Important in treatment to remove a phlegm, otherwise microbes collect and bacteria breed that only aggravates a problem.
Before carrying out the main manipulations it is recommended to warm a body by means of strokings and grindings. The intensity of vibration influence needs to be increased gradually. It is the best of all to hold sessions every other day.
Mechanical influence has the irritating effect on the nervous terminations. If to treat, then can improve activity of lymphatic, nervous and blood system.
Vibration is ideal for treatment. Special influence will help at bronchitis and other diseases of lungs. Generally, the technique is based on rhythmic percussion.
As we already spoke, there are different nozzles intended for treatment of these or those diseases. Let's consider the main directions of use of the vibration device.
Chest and any other type of vibration massage is not recommended to be carried out if it brings though any discomfort, dizziness and causes other side effects.
It is necessary to be located on a sofa or a bed, and to place the child on a lap so that his head fell down on a sofa, and the back was on a lap, and in such pose to do massage. Thanks to gravity the phlegm will be much better to leave lungs.
Extremities. Appoint at neuritis and neuralgia. Massage at paresis, paralysis is useful and at various injuries. Lasts from the 3rd to 5 min.
Important features: